CCAM Symposium: “Illuminations” (Day 2)

Event time: 
Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Center for Collaborative Arts and Media YORK149 See map
149 York St
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Join us for Day 2 of the CCAM Symposium: “Illuminations!”

The events take place at CCAM (149 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511) in the Leeds Studio, unless otherwise noted.

Arts Library Pop-Up with Caroline Scheving, 2024/25 Kress Fellow in Art Librarianship, Yale University Library

Byte by Sally Snowman, U.S. Coast Guard Lighthouse Keeper (2003–2023)

Submersible Experience
* Alison Sweeney, Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Physics, Yale University

Panel: “Illumination, Darkness, and Non-Human Organisms”
* Matthew Suttor, CCAM Program Manager and Senior Lecturer, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies
* Alison Sweeney, Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Physics, Yale University
* Priya Natarajan, Joseph S. and Sophia S. Fruton Professor of Astronomy and Professor of Physics, Yale University
* Richard Prum, William Robertson Coe Professor of Ornithology, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Curator, Peabody Museum, Yale University

Byte by Joseph Zinter, Managing Director, Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design (CEID)

Performances (Film, Video, Projection, Spatial Audio, Music):
* Violin duet composed by Matthew Suttor, performed by Keeley Brooks, Yale College Class of 2025, and Nathaniel Strothkamp, Yale College Class of 2026
* “Scattered Light” by Joshua Mastel and Nico Cadena, Artists
* Solo voice by AZ, Associate Professor, Department of Music, Yale University
* “Sonic Lanterns” by Konrad Kaczmarek, Associate Professor-Adjunct, Department of Music, Yale University; performed by the Yale Laptop Ensemble
* “Raster Fieldwork” by Ross Wightman, CCAM Technical Manager and Curator, CCAM Sound Art Series and Lecturer, Yale School of Art; and Matt Wellins, Artist

8:30pm–9:00pm (CCAM Lobby):
Reception by Queen of Tarts Catering

Calendar Admission Info: 
This event is free and open to everyone. Registration is not required. Participants will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis, and room capacity limits will apply.