The determination of energy correlators inside jets has seen a recent revival, both in the theory and experimental communities. In the context of Heavy Ion collisions, these observables can give new and complementary information regarding the evolution of jets inside the quark gluon plasma. Nonetheless, our understanding of these observables and the full span of their applicability is still in its infancy, and several open questions remain to be fully understood.
In this talk, I will discuss some recent developments in the calculation of two point energy correlators (EECs) in the medium. I will first describe some of the challenges one faces when describing these objects, and show that the magnitude of the medium modifications are heavily dominated by modelling aspects, still not under full control from the theory side. I will then discuss some recent generalizations of EECs, which can be connected to other standard jet substructure tools or access directionality effects, such as those seen in polarized fragmentation.