WIDG Seminar: Hazel Mak, Brown, “Branching Rules and Young Tableaux Methods: High Dimensional Supersymmetry”

Event time: 
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
other () See map
Event description: 

In this talk, I will review 4D, N = 1 off-shell supergravity. Then I present explorations to construct 10D and 11D supergravity theories in two steps. The first step is to decompose scalar superfield into Lorentz group representations which involves branching rules and related methods. Interpretations of component fields by Young tableaux methods will be presented. The second step is to implement an analogue of Breitenlohner’s approach for 4D supergravity to 10D and 11D theories.
Host: Tong Liu
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