The MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) is designed to investigate the low energy excess found earlier in MiniBooNE and other neutrino experiments. If this excess can be attributed to electron neutrino oscillations, this will provide evidence in support of physics beyond the standard model, and possibly of a sterile neutrino. To this end, the large detector volume and high density of detector wires in MicroBooNE allow for high precision particle reconstruction, promising the capability for high efficiency and purity neutrino detection. However, as a surface detector, the abundance of cosmic rays crossing the MicroBooNE detector creates a significant source of background. To preserve the high-purity selection promised by this technology, multiple novel reconstruction techniques have been developed to remove this source of background. These techniques allow MicroBooNE to improve the neutrino selection purity to 86% while maintaining an efficiency of 86%. These developments are a huge milestone in achieving a flagship high statistic low energy excess measurement, and are furthermore generally applicable in future LArTPC experiments including the SBND program and the massive DUNE experiment.
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WIDG Zoom Seminar: London Cooper-Troendle, Yale University, “Achieving a High-Purity High-Efficiency Neutrino Selection in the MicroBooNE LArTPC Surface Detector”
Event time:
Tuesday, April 7, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Online ()
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