The Wilson Fellowship is awarded on a competitive basis and is intended to support strong, assistant professor-level physicists early in their careers. It provides unique opportunities for self-directed research in experimental physics through work on the Fermilab particle physics experiment of the candidate's choice. The Fermilab experimental program includes collider physics, studies of neutrino, muon, and astroparticle physics, as well as R&D and planning for experiments at future colliders and high intensity beams.
The successful candidate will be a Ph.D. physicists of exceptional talent with at least two years of post-doctoral experience.
Term of Appointment
The Wilson Fellowship provides an annual salary fully competitive with a university assistant professorship. The appointment is for an initial term of three (3) years and there exists the possibility for renewal for an additional two (2) years upon completion of a successful review after the first two (2) years; thereafter, the potential exists for eventual appointment without term limit.
Information URL:
Application URL:
Fellowship Type:
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Inside or Outside Fellowship: