![#BlackInPhysics #BlackInPhysics](https://physics.yale.edu/sites/default/files/bip_avi_0.jpg)
For Black History month the following events are taking place.
T-shirts! Black in Physics are selling T-shirts to fundraise and support a Black woman owned business, The T-Shirt Lady. If you would like to participate, the link is here: https://stores.inksoft.com/blackinphysics
Wikithon! In partnership with the American Institute of Physics, BIP are organizing a Wikithon to help highlight Black physicists and their achievements on Wikipedia. To participate anytime between Feb 22-26, sign up using the link below and check out the AIP’s resources on Wikipedia editing.
For next week’s Grad Anti-Racist Reading (GRARR) meeting, we will extend our time to 2 hours (3pm-5pm, Thursday Feb 25) and will be working on reading more about the work of Black physicists and participating in the Wikithon. Anyone who would like to join for any amount of time is more than welcome—whether to edit, read, or both!Zoom invite for BHM Wikithon Meeting:
Topic: Grad Anti-Racist Reading
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://yale.zoom.us/j/95327091051?pwd=ZTQvalVPTG5aN05UQUNrdVNQdWJTQT09
Password: GRARR