Congratulations to Owen Nicholas Brown (SY 2016) Physics (Int.) major, Juliana Mathea Coraor (PC 2016) Physics (Int.) major, William Andrew De Rocco (TD 2016) Physics (Int.) major, Miguel Gabriel Goncalves (ES 2016) Physics major, Mark Thomas Hamilton (PC 2016) Mathematics & Physics major, Kenan Jia (BK 2016) Mathematics & Physics major, Gregory Donald Meyer (MC 2016) Physics (Int.) major, Basil Maduros Smitham (TD 2016) Physics major, Shilong Tang (PC 2016) Physics major, and Anthony Elias Tokman (CC 2016) Physics (Int.) major for winning the Howard L. Schultz Prize awarded by the Physics Department. Congratulations also go to Alexandros Mousatov (MC 2016) Physics (Int.) major for winning the DeForest Pioneer Prize awarded by the Yale Department of the Secretary.