July 31, 2017
Jeremy Cushman won the first prize, and William Thompson was a runner-up for posters at TAUP 2017 Conference (Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics) http://taup2017.snolab.ca, one of the major conferences in our field. The prizes were given out by Art McDonald and Takaaki Kajita, the Nobel Laureates from 2015. You can see their photos, with McDonald & Kajita at: https://www.facebook.com/SNOLABscience/photos/pcb.10154928407839072/10154928405549072/?type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/SNOLABscience/photos/pcb.10154928407839072/10154928405354072/?type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/SNOLABscience/photos/pcb.10154928407839072/10154928405184072/?type=3&theater