I am pleased to announce the fifth annual Northeast Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, to be held January 13th – 15th, 2012 at Yale. The conference committee would like to extend an invitation to all who are interested in participating. The purpose of the conference is to provide a supportive atmosphere for young physicists to connect with peers and with successful women in the field, and we hope that your students will attend.
The conference will include talks on current research, issues for women in physics, and preparing for graduate school. There will also be a career panel, highlighting individuals with successful careers in physics outside of academia. Students will also be given a chance to present their research through giving a talk or presenting a poster. We hope that conference attendees will become further inspired to pursue careers in physics!
Registration is open at http://www.ncuwp.org/. Please note that there is no registration fee for the conference. You do not have to be female or a physics major to attend!
Ellen Klein
NCUWP 2012 Organizing Committee