The Yale chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) hosted their first day-long regional meeting for New England (SPS Zone 1) on April 13, 2024. Twenty students participated from six institutions across the region, including Providence College, Saint Anselm College, Southern Connecticut State University, Tufts, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and Yale.
The national SPS website explains, “Zone meetings bring together students from SPS chapters within geographical zones. They are a fun and effective way for undergraduates to meet other students, present their research, and interact with practicing scientists.”
The meeting gave students the chance to network and present their own research, as well as hear keynote talks from professors Timothy Atherton (Tufts University), Elliot Horch (Southern Connecticut State University) and Sarah Demers (Yale University). Participants also attended a panel led by graduate students from a diversity of institutions, including Florida State, Iowa State, and Tufts.
Demers, who is director of undergraduate studies and the advisor of Yale’s SPS said, “The graduate panel was phenomenal! The students were honest, thoughtful, and gave some actionable great advice about how to advocate for yourself and how to build community, while talking about the fun and challenges of grad school. There were also three undergraduate seniors who were in the midst of making their decision about where to go who gave fantastic advice.”
Demers continued, saying she is “proud of the undergraduates for making a panel that had people with profiles that all of our visiting students could find something to identify with.”
Meeting participants were welcomed by both Karsten Heeger, chair of the Yale Physics Department, and Nicole Gugliucci, SPS zone councillor.
Optional activities for the participants included a tour of Wright Lab, a science trivia quiz, and a physics movie night.
Demers said, “The event was a smashing success. From hosting visiting students overnight to the campus tour to a smooth registration with tons of SPS and Yale Physics swag; through snacks, meals, etc., I think we provided a welcoming and fun physics environment for the visiting students.”
Heeger said, “I was very pleased to see this initiative from our Yale SPS leaders, and it was wonderful to welcome students and colleagues from the Northeast to our department.”
Aaron Chizhik, Nikita Mazotov, and Andrew Nupp coordinated the event on behalf of SPS. Yale Physics administrative staff members Daphne Klemme, Layla Nayar, Jennifer Ongley, and Elena Siuzdak all contributed to the logistical coordination of the event.
Mazotov commented, “It’s good to have an opportunity to bring people together through physics. We’re grateful to all our visitors, the National SPS and everyone else who made the event possible.”