Tobias Golling, Assistant Professor of Physics, has been named a 2013 Cottrell Scholar. Cottrell award recipients are chosen both for their originality, feasibility, and the prospect for significant fundamental advances to science as well as their dedication to teaching. About ten new Cottrell Scholars are selected each year and receive $75,000 each in recognition of their integration of research and teaching excellence. These awards enable recipients to implement their plans to become outstanding scientists and educators as well as tomorrow’s academic and scientific leaders.
The LHC has demonstrated for the Higgs case that it truly is a discovery machine. Supersymmetry and light supersymmetric partners of the top quark (stops) are among the best-motivated new physics scenarios to address the limitations of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Golling addresses the essential question of the existence of light stops and prepares ATLAS for their discovery or exclusion – whatever nature has chosen. The educational portion of Golling’s project allows students to participate in his hunt for potential partners of the top quark in form of hands-on research experiences both at Yale and at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.