Welcome to Prakhar Garg who comes to us from Stony Brook University as a research scientist working with Helen Caines in Wright Lab.
Garg’s research interest is in gaseous detectors and photon detectors. He is involved in several R&D projects with a focus on detectors for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) soon to be under construction at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
He has been involved in the PHENIX experiment at BNL since 2009 and later in the sPHENIX experiment. His research covers many aspects of experimental heavy-ion physics such as detector R&D, construction, and its operation. Before coming to Yale, he worked with the experimental Nuclear Physics Group at Stony Brook University as a Research Scientist and Research Assistant Professor for the construction and R&D of the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) installed at sPHENIX and GEM based tracker to be installed at the MOLLER experiment at Jefferson Lab.