Welcome to Shankar Ganesh who comes to us from the University of Alberta as a Yale Prize Postdoctoral Fellow working with Meng Cheng in the theoretical condensed matter theory group.
Ganesh states, “My research interests are broadly based on strongly correlated electron systems, topological band theory, and quantum field theory. My recent work has focused on instanton-driven confinement transitions out of fractionalized phases like spin liquids, and the development of a ‘hyperbolic band theory’ for a novel class of synthetic materials hosted on hyperbolic lattices.”
Ganesh comes from rural South India. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Joseph Maciejko in 2024 and graduated from the University of London in 2017.
Besides physics and math, he enjoys reading Sanskrit and Tamil literature, playing the Sitar, and trekking through hills and forests when the opportunity arises.