Welcome to Yuan Xin who comes to us as the inaugural Mossman Fellow working with the Particle Theory Group (mostly Witold Skiba and David Poland). The goal of his research is to study the fundamental and effective interactions of nature that have not been fully understood. His effort focuses on both strongly coupled Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Gravity. Conformal Field Theory (CFT) is his primary tool in both subjects.
He has experience in modular bootstrap in 2D CFT, which can be used as a tool to understand 3D gravity through AdS/CFT correspondence.
He has also studied several stronly coupled QFTs using Hamiltonian truncation, in a formulism known as Lightcone Conformal Truncation.
He is open to all ideas and study areas related to quantum gravity and strongly coupled QFTs.
On a more personal note:
“During the research, I get excited when new technology emerges allowing us to compute unknown quantities or known quantities better. A lot of achievements in my previous work are made by my collaborators and me sharpening the tools using many tricks. Sometimes this leaves me with more ideas than I have time to try.
There is more to a postdoc’s life than research. An important part of that for me is exercise. In the past two years I have spent a lot of time running and biking. Now that I moved to New Haven I am excited to experience the East Rock.”