All Ages

The 2025 Terry Forum: The Question of AI

Is AI as revolutionary as fire in changing the world? Or is that hype? But can it be hype when AI has such obvious benefits in some research fields? How can we leverage the astonishing potential of AI in a rational, practical and responsible way? Is AI a moral panic, a sales job, a generational opportunity, a threat of apocalypse? How can we think clearly and deeply about a topic that is so obscured by glitz, money, and noise? How can we as scholars at Yale collectively understand AI in our academic setting, and how should our research and teaching respond to advances in AI?

The Gift

Presented in multiple languages, The Gift is a therapeutic storytelling experience that connects astrophysical research to universal human experiences of loss, transformation, and renewal. The Gift tells the story of two stars that are so close to one another yet so far from us that they appear as a single point of light in the sky.

At Mme. Curie's Lab

In addition to being the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne and the only person ever to have won Nobel Prizes in both physics and chemistry, Marie Curie welcomed other women into her lab. It was her lab from the untimely death of her husband, Pierre, in 1906, till her own death in 1934. She ran it, enlarged it, moved it into the imposing new Radium Institute, and peopled it with an international assembly of scientists, more than forty of whom were women, including her daughter Irène, the second woman to win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Revealing the Cosmos: Exploring Deep Space with the Webb Telescope

Now in science operations, NASA’s Webb Telescope is the most powerful telescope ever built. Science results are now pouring in from Webb like a waterfall. In this talk, Dr. Riby will summarize what this Webb is, how it works, and the breadth and the depth of its science program, from planets in our own solar system to galaxies seen when the Universe was young. She will touch on the power of using Webb in combination with cosmic telescopes, also known as gravitational lenses.

Screening of Richland

Built by the US government to house the Hanford nuclear site workers who manufactured weapons-grade plutonium for the Manhattan Project, Richland, Washington is proud of its heritage as a nuclear company town and proud of the atomic bomb it helped create. RICHLAND offers a prismatic, placemaking portrait of a community staking its identity and future on its nuclear origin story, presenting a timely examination of the habits of thought that normalize the extraordinary violence of the past.

From Cross Campus to West Campus to Science Hill: The Yale Ancient Pharmacology Program

Building upon two decades of edge-finding archaeological research, the Yale Ancient Pharmacology Program continues to refine a transdisciplinary approach that seamlessly blends ethnography, materiality, and technology. Nucleating at the Yale Peabody Museum has allowed YAPP to work across its divisions and vast collections to push our knowledge of ancient organic materials through the fusion of ethnohistory, phytochemistry, and data science.

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