
NPA Seminar: Bryan Ramson, Fermilab, "The New Era of Precision Neutrino Physics"

Long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments present some of the most compelling paths toward physics beyond the standard model. Measurement of the leptonic mixing matrix through oscillation and observation of the degree of leptonic CP violation demonstrates a proof of concept for understanding the difference between matter and anti-matter in the observable universe. State of the art experiments like NOvA and T2K are currently performing measurements of neutrino oscillation, but ultimately, will be statistically limited.

NPA Seminar: Stephen Kuenstner, Boston University, "Sensitive Searches for Axion Dark Matter with Solid-State Spin Ensembles"

In this talk, I’ll describe how we use solid-state spin ensembles, magnetic resonance, and quantum sensing techniques to search for axion dark matter in the third-generation CASPEr-e detector. Discovering and characterizing axion dark matter could resolve the longstanding Strong CP Problem, in addition to revealing the identity of dark matter. The Strong CP Problem stems from the puzzling lack of a CP-violating permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) in nucleons.

NPA Seminar: Renee Ludlam, Wayne State University, "Characterizing the Properties of Accreting Neutron Stars through X-ray Observations"

The matter inside of a neutron star (NS) exists in an ultra-dense, cold state that we are unable to reproduce in Earth-based laboratories. Hence the only way to understand how matter behaves in this environment, i.e. determining the Equation of State (EoS), is through observations of these objects. NSs in low-mass X-ray binaries, where matter is stripped from a stellar companion to form an accretion disk, provide a unique opportunity to learn more about accretion physics and properties of the compact object itself.

NPA Seminar: Kyle Leach, Colorado School of Mines, "A Tale of Two Symmetries: Examining the PMNS and CKM Matrices via Weak Nuclear Decay"

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Just as the classic English novel lends its title well to the spirit of understanding symmetries in the standard model (SM), the opening words also concisely sum up the status of beyond standard model (BSM) physics searches through tests of the fundamental symmetric matrices over the past few decades. Despite the identical mathematical formalism that generates these matrices in the SM, empirically the level of observed mixing within these two are dramatically different.

Spring 2024 EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Shops

Wright Lab will host two, identical 1-hour Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Shop Orientations on Friday, January 26 at 11:30 a.m. and Tuesday, January 30 at 3:00 p.m. The EHS shop orientation is offered each semester and is required to be taken once by anyone who would like to gain access and make use of the research and teaching shops at Wright Lab.

For more information on the shop facilities at Wright Lab see:

NPA Seminar: Yeonju Go, BNL, "Jets and medium response in relativistic heavy ion collisions: Probing quark-gluon plasma"

Quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a unique phase of matter governed by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), is believed to have existed shortly (a few microseconds) after the Big Bang. Jets, collimated particle sprays originating from the fragmentation of hard-scattered quarks or gluons, serve as valuable probes for studying QGP produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions. As jets experience modifications due to the surrounding medium, so-called jet quenching, concurrently, jets influence the medium.

Introduction to HPC

This workshop is designed to introduce new users to the HPC resources available at Yale and to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts needed to perform computing on the clusters:
accessing the clusters,
navigating a linux interface via bash commands, running interactive and batch jobs,
managing files,
troubleshooting workflows, and more.

From Cross Campus to West Campus to Science Hill: The Yale Ancient Pharmacology Program

Building upon two decades of edge-finding archaeological research, the Yale Ancient Pharmacology Program continues to refine a transdisciplinary approach that seamlessly blends ethnography, materiality, and technology. Nucleating at the Yale Peabody Museum has allowed YAPP to work across its divisions and vast collections to push our knowledge of ancient organic materials through the fusion of ethnohistory, phytochemistry, and data science.

ACCESS: Free HPC Resources Available to Researchers

The session will provide an overview of free ACCESS resources, outline the application process for various resource allocations, as well as reporting requirements for successful applications.

If you are a graduate student, post-doc or professor experiencing restrictions via CPU hour limits, gpu access, and/or other resource-related limitations then ACCESS may be the solution for you.

Parallel Programming with Python

This workshop introduces parallel programming concepts and demonstrates their implementation with Python. We will discuss parallel concepts, classes of parallel programs, Python’s implementation of parallel workflows, and showcase several toolkits for CPU and GPU-based parallel programming in Python. Additionally, we will discuss leveraging cluster-infrastructure for large parallel work via Slurm Job Arrays.

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