
Parallel Computing with MATLAB

During this hands-on workshop, you will be introduced to parallel and GPU computing in MATLAB for speeding up your applications and offloading computations. By working through common scenarios and workflows, you will gain an understanding of the parallel constructs in MATLAB, their capabilities, and some of the issues that may arise when using them.

YPPDO Seminar: Chris Davis, CarMax, "Yale Physics to Used Cars: Transitioning to a Data Science Career"

Making the transition from nuclear and particle physics to data science is a scary yet rewarding journey. In this talk, I’ll share my personal experiences of transitioning outside of academia and working as a data scientist in the private sector. I’ll describe some specific projects I’ve worked on and explain what technical and soft skills a physics background has that are uniquely suited for doing this work, and additionally what I had to learn after my PhD.

Special Seminar: Ken Bloom, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, "How to do Particle Physics in a Climate Emergency?"

The pursuit of particle physics, or any kind of discovery-driven research, requires a stable and prosperous society. Today, our society is increasingly threatened by global climate change. Human-influenced climate change has already impacted weather patterns, and global warming will only increase unless deep reductions in emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases are achieved.

NPA Seminar, Trevor Wright, University of Colorado, Boulder "A New Bound on the Electron's Electric Dipole Moment"

The Standard Model cannot explain the dominance of matter over anti-matter in our universe, which indicates the existence of undiscovered time-reversal (T) symmetry violation. Proposed particle physics theories predict new particles that violate T-symmetry, which generically induce an electric dipole moment in the electron (eEDM). I will present the most precise measurement of the eEDM to date using electrons confined inside molecular ions, subject to a huge intra-molecular electric field, and evolving coherently for up to three seconds.

NPA Seminar, Yikun Wang, Caltech, “Axion Detection with Optomechanical Cavities”

In this talk, I will present our recent proposal of searching for axion dark matter with an optomechanical cavity filled with a material such as superfluid helium. Axion absorption converts a pump laser photon to a photon plus a phonon. The axion absorption rate is enhanced by the high occupation number of coherent photons or phonons in the cavity, allowing our proposal to largely overcome the extremely small axion coupling. The axion mass probed is set by the relative frequency of the photon produced in the final state and the Stokes mode.

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