NPA Seminar: Manoa Andriamirado, Illinois Institute of Technology
Talk Title: Probing New Physics with the PROSPECT Reactor Antineutrino Experiment
Talk Title: Probing New Physics with the PROSPECT Reactor Antineutrino Experiment
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.
WTI Inspiring Speaker Series: Questions pertaining to the nature of time span physics, philosophy, and neuroscience, but time is particularly fundamental in neuroscience because the brain tells time, stores information about the past in order to predict the future, and allows us to engage in mental time travel. Because of the fundamental importance of time, the brain can tell time across a broad range of temporal scales, but relies on different mechanisms across these scales.
Members in the departments of physics and astronomy who work on dark matter and neutrino-related fields are invited to get together to discuss papers related to their field. Topics include: neutrinos, dark matter, BSM physics, fundamental symmetries, precision physics and more.
Contact Eleanor Graham and Jiaxiang Wang for more information.