Jeremy Gaison Linus Pauling Postdoctoral Fellow National Laboratory jeremy.gaison@yale.edu Phone: 203-436-9273 He/him/his |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Karsten Heeger Dissertation Title: Measurement of the Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum of U-235 by PROSPECT and Daya Bay |
Suhas Ganjam Research Scientist Google suhas.ganjam@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2024 Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Improving the Coherence of Superconducting Quantum Circuits through Loss Characterization and Design Optimization |
Yvonne Gao yvonne.gao@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2018 Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf Dissertation Title: Multi-cavity Operations in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics |
Kevin Garrity Research Physicist NIST kevin.garrity@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2011 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: Ab Initio Studies of Surfaces and Interfaces |
Andrew Gasbarro Postdoctoral Associate andrew.gasbarro@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2018 Advisor: George Fleming Dissertation Title: Studies of Conformal Behavior in Strongly Interacting Quantum Field Theories |
Li Ge Professor College of Staten Island, City University of New York li.ge@csi.cuny.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 2010 Advisor: A. Douglas Stone Dissertation Title: Steady-state ab initio laser theory and its applications in random and complex media |
Kurtis Geerlings Director of Research Gentex Corporation kurtis.geerlings@yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2013 Advisor: Michel Devoret Dissertation Title: Improving Coherence of Superconducting Qubits and Resonators |
Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu alexandrubogda.georgescu@yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2017 Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Dissertation Title: New Methods and Phenomena in The Study of Correlated Complex Oxides |
Howard Georgi Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics Harvard University howard.georgi@aya.yale.edu Research Website |
Degree Date: May 1971 Advisor: Charles Sommerfield Dissertation Title: Scale and Conformal Invariance in Field Theory |
Christopher Gilbreth Lead Physicist Quantum christopher.gilbreth@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2013 Advisor: Yoram Alhassid Dissertation Title: Ultracold Fermi Gases: Effective Interactions and Superfluidity |
Nathan Gilfoy Senior Applications Engineer Zygo Corporation nathan.gilfoy@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2011 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Experiments with Trapped Rubidiu Cesium Molecules |
Jonathan Gilligan Associate Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences and Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Vanderbilt University jonathan.gilligan@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1991 Advisor: Edward Eyler Dissertation Title: Precise multiphoton spectroscopy of the hydrogen, hydrogen deuteride, and deuterium molecules and a new determination of the ionization potential of hydrogen deuteride |
James Gilmore ACA affiliate member Australian Centre for Astrobiology, UNSW Syndney james.gilmore@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 2010 Advisor: Walter Goldberger Dissertation Title: Binary Dynamics, Black Holes, and Inflationary Perturbations: Applications in General Relativity and Field Theory |
John Gipson President NVI, Inc john.gipson@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1982 Advisor: Hsiung Chia Tze Dissertation Title: The Quantum Projection Method and Completely integrable Systems |
David Glenn Research Scientist Harvard University dglenn@cfa.harvard.edu |
Degree Date: December 2009 Advisor: David DeMille Dissertation Title: Development of Techniques for Cooling and Trapping Polar Diatomic Molecules |
Elena Gramellini Postdoctoral Associate Fermilab elena1987@gmail.com |
Degree Date: December 2018 Advisor: Bonnie Fleming Dissertation Title: Measurement of the negative pion and positive kaon total hadronic cross sections on argon at the LArIAT experiment |
Daniel Green Graduate School Student, Class of 2018 WC Integ Sci & Tech Ctr , rm. 339 d.green@yale.edu |
Sheridan Green Quantitative Strategist Susquehanna International Group me@sheridan.green Research Website |
Degree Date: December 2021 Advisor: Frank van den Bosch Dissertation Title: The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure and the significance of halo-to-halo assembly history variance |
Ilya Gruzberg Professor Ohio State University ilya.gruzberg@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: December 1998 Advisor: Nicholas Read Dissertation Title: Supersymmetry method in the study of disordered systems |
Daniel Guest Post-doc University of California Irvine daniel.guest@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 2016 Advisor: Paul Tipton Dissertation Title: A Search for Scalar Charm Quarks with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC |
Erhan Gülmez Professor of Physics Bogazici University erhan.gulmez@aya.yale.edu |
Degree Date: May 1986 Advisor: J.A. Cizewski Dissertation Title: High Angular Momentum Structure in A-140 Nuclei: ¹⁴⁰Nd, ¹⁴¹Pm |