

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Jeremy Gaison's picture Jeremy Gaison
Linus Pauling Postdoctoral Fellow
National Laboratory
Phone: 203-436-9273
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Karsten Heeger

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum of U-235 by PROSPECT and Daya Bay

Suhas Ganjam's picture Suhas Ganjam
Research Scientist
Degree Date: May 2024

Advisor: Robert Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Improving the Coherence of Superconducting Quantum Circuits through Loss Characterization and Design Optimization

Yvonne Gao's picture Yvonne Gao
Degree Date: May 2018

Advisor: Rob Schoelkopf

Dissertation Title: Multi-cavity Operations in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

Kevin Garrity's picture Kevin Garrity
Research Physicist
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2011

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: Ab Initio Studies of Surfaces and Interfaces

Andrew Gasbarro's picture Andrew Gasbarro
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: December 2018

Advisor: George Fleming

Dissertation Title: Studies of Conformal Behavior in Strongly Interacting Quantum Field Theories

Li Ge's picture Li Ge
College of Staten Island, City University of New York
Research Website
Degree Date: May 2010

Advisor: A. Douglas Stone

Dissertation Title: Steady-state ab initio laser theory and its applications in random and complex media

Kurtis Geerlings's picture Kurtis Geerlings
Director of Research
Gentex Corporation
Degree Date: December 2013

Advisor: Michel Devoret

Dissertation Title: Improving Coherence of Superconducting Qubits and Resonators

Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu's picture Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu
Degree Date: May 2017

Advisor: Sohrab Ismail-Beigi

Dissertation Title: New Methods and Phenomena in The Study of Correlated Complex Oxides

Howard Georgi's picture Howard Georgi
Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics
Harvard University
Research Website
Degree Date: May 1971

Advisor: Charles Sommerfield

Dissertation Title: Scale and Conformal Invariance in Field Theory

Christopher Gilbreth's picture Christopher Gilbreth
Lead Physicist
Degree Date: May 2013

Advisor: Yoram Alhassid

Dissertation Title: Ultracold Fermi Gases: Effective Interactions and Superfluidity

Nathan Gilfoy's picture Nathan Gilfoy
Senior Applications Engineer
Zygo Corporation
Degree Date: December 2011

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Experiments with Trapped Rubidiu Cesium Molecules

Jonathan Gilligan's picture Jonathan Gilligan
Associate Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences and Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Vanderbilt University
Degree Date: May 1991

Advisor: Edward Eyler

Dissertation Title: Precise multiphoton spectroscopy of the hydrogen, hydrogen deuteride, and deuterium molecules and a new determination of the ionization potential of hydrogen deuteride

James Gilmore's picture James Gilmore
ACA affiliate member
Australian Centre for Astrobiology, UNSW Syndney
Degree Date: December 2010

Advisor: Walter Goldberger

Dissertation Title: Binary Dynamics, Black Holes, and Inflationary Perturbations: Applications in General Relativity and Field Theory

John Gipson's picture John Gipson
NVI, Inc
Degree Date: May 1982

Advisor: Hsiung Chia Tze

Dissertation Title: The Quantum Projection Method and Completely integrable Systems

David Glenn's picture David Glenn
Research Scientist
Harvard University
Degree Date: December 2009

Advisor: David DeMille

Dissertation Title: Development of Techniques for Cooling and Trapping Polar Diatomic Molecules

Elena Gramellini's picture Elena Gramellini
Postdoctoral Associate
Degree Date: December 2018

Advisor: Bonnie Fleming

Dissertation Title: Measurement of the negative pion and positive kaon total hadronic cross sections on argon at the LArIAT experiment

Daniel Green's picture Daniel Green
Graduate School Student, Class of 2018
WC Integ Sci & Tech Ctr , rm. 339
Sheridan Green's picture Sheridan Green
Quantitative Strategist
Susquehanna International Group
Research Website
Degree Date: December 2021

Advisor: Frank van den Bosch

Dissertation Title: The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure and the significance of halo-to-halo assembly history variance

Ilya Gruzberg's picture Ilya Gruzberg
Ohio State University
Degree Date: December 1998

Advisor: Nicholas Read

Dissertation Title: Supersymmetry method in the study of disordered systems

Daniel Guest's picture Daniel Guest
University of California Irvine
Degree Date: May 2016

Advisor: Paul Tipton

Dissertation Title: A Search for Scalar Charm Quarks with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC

Erhan Gülmez's picture Erhan Gülmez
Professor of Physics
Bogazici University
Degree Date: May 1986

Advisor: J.A. Cizewski

Dissertation Title: High Angular Momentum Structure in A-140 Nuclei: ¹⁴⁰Nd, ¹⁴¹Pm