Jackie Baeza-Rubio

Jackie Baeza-Rubio's picture
Graduate School Student
WLW 322D
Research Areas: 
Neutrinos & Fundamental Symmetries Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics
Research Type: 
Current Projects: 


Biographical Sketch: 

Jacqueline “Jackie” Baeza-Rubio is a 2nd-year graduate student at Yale. She graduated from UT Arlington with a Bachelor’s in Physics and a minor in mathematics. At UTA she researched neutrinoless double-beta decay under Dr. Ben Jones while on the NEXT collaboration. She was also the PR director for @DFWTapTalks, a McNair scholar, and the Undergraduate board representative for the National Society of Hispanic Physicists. At Yale, she intends to stay in neutrino physics and move to sterile neutrino searches by joining Dr. Dave Moore on SIMPLE, a levitated microsphere experiment.

David Moore