John Schotland

John Schotland's picture
Zhao and Ji Professor of Mathematics
DL 429
Research Areas: 
Condensed Matter Physics; Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics; Quantum Physics
Research Type: 
Current Projects: 

The study of problems at the interface of optical and condensed matter physics

Biographical Sketch: 
I am a Professor of Mathematics at Yale University. Prior to joining the Yale faculty, I was Professor of Mathematics and Physics at University of Michigan, and founding director of the Michigan Center for Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MCAIM). I have also held the Paris Sciences Chair at ESPCI from 2014-2019. I received the M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania.
My research is in mathematical physics. In particular, I study problems at the interface of optical and condensed matter physics. I have a long-term interest in inverse problems with applications to imaging. My current work is focused on developing mathematical tools for many-body problems in quantum optics.
Ph.D. 1996, University of Pennsylvania
Selected Publications: 
  1. Schotland, J., Caze, A., Norris, T.B. Scattering of Entangled Two-photon States. Opt. Lett. 41, 444-447 (2016)

  2. Gilbert, A., Hoskins, J. and Schotland, J. Diffuse Scattering on Graphs. Linear Algebra and its Applications 496, 1-35 (2016)

  3. Machida, M., Panasyuk, G., Wang, Z-M, Markel, V. and Schotland, J. Radiative Transport and Optical Tomography with Large Data Sets. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 33, 551-558 (2016)

  4. Bal, G., Chung, F. and Schotland, J. Ultrasound Modulated Bioluminescence Tomography and Controllability of the Radiative Transport Equation. SIAM J. Math. Analysis 48, 1332- 1347 (2016)

  5. Machida, M., Narimanov, E. and Schotland, J. Polarization Oscillations of Near-Field Thermal Emission. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 33, 1071-1075 (2016)

  6. Mirza, I. and Schotland, J. Multiqubit Entanglement in Bidirectional Chiral Waveguide QED. Phys. Rev. A 94, 012302 (2016)

  7. Mirza, I. and Schotland, J. Two-photon Entanglement in Multiqubit Bidirectional Waveguide QED. Phys. Rev. A 94, 012309 (2016)

  8. Kilgore, K., Moskow, M. and Schotland, J. Convergence of the Born and Inverse Born Series for Electromagnetic Scattering. Applicable Analysis 96, 1737-1748 (2017)

  9. Hoskins, J. and Schotland, J. Acousto-optic Effect in Random Media. Phys. Rev. E 95, 033002 (2017)

  10. Chung, F. Gilbert, A., Hoskins, J. and Schotland, J. Optical Tomography on Graphs. Inverse Probl. 33, 055016 (2017)

  11. Borcea, L., Li, W., Mamonov, A. and Schotland, J. Second-Harmonic Imaging in Random Media. Inverse Probl. 33, 065004 (2017)

  12. Lien, M., Kim J., Chang Y., Ferguson H., Han M., Zhu Y., Schotland, J., Kotov N. and Norris, T. Optical Asymmetry and Nonlinear Light Scattering from Gold Nanorods. ACS Nano 11, 5925 (2017)

  13. Shehadeh, H. and Schotland, J. Inversion of the Bremmer Series. J. Comp. Math. 35, 586-599 (2017)

  14. Mirza, I., Hoskins, J. and Schotland, J. Chirality, Band Structure and Localization in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics. Phys. Rev. A 96, 053804 (2017)

  15. Chung, F. and Schotland, J. Inverse Transport and Acousto-Optic Imaging. SIAM J. Math. Analysis 49, 4704-4721 (2017)

  16. Gilbert, A., Levinson, H. and Schotland, J. Imaging from the Inside Out: Inverse Scattering with Photoactivated Internal Sources. Opt. Lett. 43, 3005-3008 (2018)

  17. Mirza, I. and Schotland, J. Influence of Disorder on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Chiral Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, 1149 (2018)
  18. Gilbert, A., Levinson, H. and Schotland, J. Imaging from the Inside Out: Inverse Scattering with Photoactivated Internal Sources. Opt. Lett. 43, 3005-3008 (2018)

  19. Florescu, L., Markel, V. and Schotand, J. Nonreciprocal Broken-Ray Transforms with Appli- cations to Fluorescence Imaging. Inverse Probl. 34, 094002 (2018)

  20. Meklachi, T., Moskow, S. and Schotland, J. Asymptotic Analysis of Resonances of Small Volume High Contrast Linear and Nonlinear Scatterers. J. Math. Phys. 59, 083502 (2018)
  21. Hoskins, J., Kraisler, J. and Schotland, J. Radiative Transport in Quasi-homogeneous Random Media. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 35, 1855-1861 (2018)

  22. Markel, V., Levinson, H. and Schotland, J. Fast linear inversion for highly overdetermined inverse scattering problems. Inverse Probl. 35, 124002 (2019)

  23. Gilbert, A., Levinson, H. and Schotland, J. Inverse Scattering and Nonlinear Iterative Hard Thresholding. SIAM Journal Imaging Science 13, 108-140 (2020

  24. Mirza, I., Hoskins, J. and Schotland, J. Dimer Chains in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics. Opt. Comm. 463, 125427 (2020)

  25. Chung, F., Hoskins, J. and Schotland, J. Coherent Acousto-optic Tomography with Diffuse Light. Opt. Lett. 45, 1623-1626 (2020)

  26. Schotland, J. Acousto-optic Imaging of Random Media. Prog. Opt. 65, 347-380 (2020)

  27. Chung, F., Hoskins, J. and Schotland, J. Radiative Transport Model for Coherent Acousto-optic Tomography. Inverse Probl. 36, 064004 (2020)