Physics Club: 2016-2017
Ashvin Vishwanath, Harvard University
Topology and Entanglement in Quantum Matter (Apr. 24, 2017)
Host: Leonid Glazman
Andrea Cavalleri, Max Planck Institute
Nonlinear phononics: dynamical control of solids through the crystal lattice (Apr. 10, 2017)
Host: Charles Ahn
Gary Feldman, Harvard University
Neutrinos: What We Have Learned and What we Have Left to Learn (Apr. 3, 2017)
Host: Charles Baltay
Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Yale University
Graduate Recruitment Open House
Playing with matter at the picoscale (Mar. 31, 2017)
Host: Sean Barrett
Helen Caines, Yale University
Exploiting Data from RHIC and the LHC to Study the Quark Gluon Plasma (Mar. 27, 2017)
Host: Charles Baltay
Dmitri Basov, University of California, Santa Barbara/Columbia
Quantum materials: insights from near field nano-optics (Mar. 6, 2017)
Host: Leonid Glazman
David Huse, Princeton University
Quantum thermalization and many-body Anderson localization (Feb. 27, 2017)
Host: Leonid Glazman
Thorsten Schumm, Vienna University of Technology
Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 (Feb. 20, 2017)
Host: Steven Girvin
Hugues Pothier, CEA-Saclay, France
Superconductivity in one-atom contacts (Feb. 13, 2017)
Host: Leonid Glazman, Jack Harris, and Michel Devoret
Joint with Yale Quantum Institute
David S. Hall, Amherst College
Tying Knots in a Quantum Fluid (Feb. 6, 2017)
Host: Jack Harris
Gregory Moore, Rutgers
d = 4 N = 2 Field Theory And Physical Mathematics (Jan. 23, 2017)
Host: Paul Tipton
Iain Stewart, MIT
New Windows into the Strong Interaction and Beyond (Dec. 12, 2016)
Host: David Poland
Jeff Gore, MIT
Building microbial communities from the bottom up (Dec. 5, 2016)
Host: Simon Mochrie
Jo Dunkley, Princeton University
The polarized microwave background: ACTPol and beyond (Nov. 28, 2016)
Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
Slava Rychkov, CERN
Conformal Bootstrap Approach to Criticality in 3 and 2+1 dimensions (Nov. 14, 2016)
Host: David Poland
Pieter van dokkum, Yale University
Exploring the low surface brightness sky with the Dragonfly Telephoto Array (Nov. 7, 2016)
Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
Hitoshi Murayama, University of California at Berkeley/IPMU
When a Symmetry Breaks (Oct. 31, 2016)
Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
Richard Gaitskell, Brown University
LUX and LZ - the discovery of Dark Matter and novel approaches to particle detection (Oct. 24, 2016)
Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
Eva Silverstein, Stanford University
Horizon Dynamics and String Theory (Oct. 17, 2016)
Host: David Poland
Presentation (posted with the permission of the speaker)
Flavio Cavanna, Fermilab/Yale University
From LArIAT to ProtoDUNE: a new way to look at hadron interactions through the “eyes” of the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (Oct. 10, 2016)
Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
Bhuvnesh Jain, University of Pennsylvania
Lensing measurements of galaxies, voids and the CMB: tests of the standard cosmological model (Oct. 3, 2016)
Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
Presentation (posted with the permission of the speaker)
Sarah Demers, Yale University
Chasing the Fundamental, from High Energy to Low Rates (Sept. 26, 2016)
Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
Shahal Ilani, Weizmann Institute of Science
Attaction by Repulsion: Pairing Electrons using Electrons (Sept. 19, 2016)
Host: Jack Harris
Kate A. Ratliff, University of Florida/Project Implicit
Mind Bugs: Understanding the Impact of Implicit Bias (Sept. 12, 2016)
Presentation (posted with the permission of the speaker)