Physics Club: Prior to Fall 2016
2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003
- 4/25/2016, Michel Devoret, Yale University Applied Physics, Fighting Decoherence with Dissipation. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 4/18/2016, George Bertsch, University of Washington, The quantum many-body problem: the view from nuclear theory. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 4/11/2016, Angela Olinto, University of Chicago, The Extreme Energy Cosmic Frontier. Host: Charles Baltay
- 4/4/2016, Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT, Ultracold atoms as quantum simulators for new materials –optical lattices, synthetic magnetic fields and topological phases. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 4/1/2016, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Daisuke Nagai, Yale University, Computational Cosmology: New Frontier of Physics and Astronomy in the Era of Big Data. Host: Sean Barrett
- 3/7/2016, Sarah Demers, Yale University, ATLAS at the 13 TeV LHC: 2015 Performance and Results. Host: Charles Baltay
- 2/29/2016, Rainer Weiss, MIT, 100 Years of gravitational waves: The observation of a binary black hole collision. Host: Charles Baltay
- 2/22/2016, Marc Kamionkowski, Johns Hopkins University, Symmetry, Geometry, Cosmology. Host: Charles Baltay
- 2/15/2016, Gavin Schmidt, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, The Physics of Climate Modeling. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 2/8/2016, Susan Coppersmith, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Building a quantum computer using silicon quantum dots. Host: Paul Tipton
- 2/1/2016, Nikhil S. Malvankar, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, Metal-like transport in proteins : A new paradigm for biological electron transfer. Host: R. Shankar
- 1/25/2016, Leonid Mirny, MIT, Physics of genome folding. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 12/14/2015, Reina Maruyama, Yale University, Dark Matter - Where are we, and what's next? Host: Charles Baltay
- 12/7/2015, Steven Girvin, Yale University, Basic Concepts in Quantum Information Host: Charles Baltay
- 11/30/2015, Ornella Palamara, Fermilab and Yale University, The Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Program in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 11/16/2015, Rachel Bean, Cornell University, Next Generation Cosmological Constraints on the Dark Sector and Gravity. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 11/9/2015, John Murray, Yale University, Computational mechanisms of cortical dynamics and function. Host: Charles Baltay
- 11/2/2015, Terry Hwa, University of California, San Diego, Quantitative biology: frontier at the interface of the physical and life sciences. Host: Thierry Emonet
- 10/26/2015, Andrey Vilesov, University of Southern California, X-ray coherent diffractive imaging of quantum vortices in helium droplets. Host: Jack Harris
- 10/19/2015, Karsten Heeger, Yale University, Discovery of Neutrino Mass and Oscillation: The Nobel Prize Measurements at Super-Kamiokande and SNO. Host: Walter Goldberger
- 10/12/2015, Holger Mueller, University of California, Berkeley, Atom interferometers measuring the fine structure constant and probing the dark sector. Host: David DeMille
- 10/5/2015, Feryal Ozel, University of Arizona, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, and the Dense Matter Equation of State. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 9/28/2015, Hans Weidenmüller, Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Random Matrices in Physics. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 9/21/2015, Ana Maria Rey, JILA, NIST and University of Colorado, Boulder, Building with Crystals of Light and Quantum Matter: From clocks to computers. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 9/14/2015, Nicholas Read, Yale University, Non-Abelian statistics, Majorana zero modes, and all that. Host: Charles Baltay
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- 4/27/2015, Rachel Mandelbaum, Carnegie Mellon, The past, present, and future of weak gravitational lensing. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 4/20/2015, Lance Dixon, SLAC, Loops, Trees and New Physics at the LHC. Host: Walter Goldberger
- 4/13/2015, Joel Moore, University of California at Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Topological and dynamical consequences of emergent Berry gauge fields in solids. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 4/6/2015, Frans Pretorious, Princeton University, Numerical Investigations of Black Hole Physics. Host: Walter Goldberger
- 3/30/2015, Kara Hoffman, U. Maryland, High Energy Neutrino Astronomy: First Light, New Questions, Reina Maruyama. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 3/27/2015, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Karsten Heeger, Yale University, Exploring the Invisible Universe: From Discovery to Precision Measurements. Host: Sean Barrett
- 3/23/2015, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, MIT, Dirac Electrons — Living on the Edge. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 3/2/2015, Bradford Benson, University of Chicago, Physics with the Cosmic Microwave Background. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 2/16/2015, Martin White, University of California, Berkeley, Cosmological results from Planck 2015. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
- 2/9/2015, Katja Nowack, Cornell University, Imaging current in two-dimensional topological insulators. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 2/2/2015, Liang Fu, MIT, Symmetry-Protected Topological Matter. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 1/26/2015, Herbert Levine, Rice University, Is there any physics in cancer? Host: Simon Mochrie
- 1/19/2015, Eva Andrei, Rutgers, Graphene and the magic of physics in two dimensions. Host: Leonid Glazman and Jack Harris
- 1/12/2015, Xiaowei Zhuang, Harvard University, Super-resolution fluorescence imaging with stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 12/8/2014, Young Lee, Stanford University, Experimental sightings of the quantum spin liquid. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 12/1/2014, Erel Levine, Harvard, Interactions and Complexity of Small RNA. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 11/17/2014, Mark Raizen, University of Texas, Breaking Barriers with Maxwell's Demon. Host: A. Douglas Stone
- 11/3/2014, Michael Elbaum, Weizmann Institute, Maxwellian Miracles and Molecular Separations in the Living Cell: the case of the Nuclear Pore. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 10/27/2014, Joseph Polchinski, KITP, The Black Hole Information Paradox, Alive and Kicking. Host: Walter Goldberger and Nicholas Read
- 10/20/2014, Benjamin D. Santer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Human Effects on Global Climate: Scientific Evidence Provided to the American Physical Society. Host: Jack Harris
- 10/13/2014, Eric Braaten, The Ohio State University, Ultracold Atoms: How Quantum Field Theory Invaded Atomic Physics. Host: Walter Goldberger
- 10/6/2014, Carl Haber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Restoration of Early Sound Recordings using Optical Metrology and Image Analysis. Host: Paul Tipton
- 9/29/2014, Henry Chapman, DESY, University of Hamburg, Imaging Molecules With X-ray Lasers. Host: Yong Xiong and Simon Mochrie
- 9/22/2014, Raju Venugopalan, Brookhaven National laboratory, The glue that binds us all: imaging matter below the Fermi scale with an Electron-Ion Collider. Host: John Harris
- 9/15/2014, Damon Clark, MCDB, Yale University, How do fruit flies perceive motion? Host: Simon Mochrie
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- 4/28/2014, Konrad Lehnert, JILA, Micromechanics: a new quantum technology, In modern information technology. Host: Jack Harris
- 4/21/2014, Nadya Mason, University of Illinois, In proximity to novel physics: Topological Insulators coupled to Superconductors. Host: Jack Harris
- 4/14/2014, Francis Halzen, University of Wisconsin, IceCube and the Discovery of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos. Host: Reina Maruyama
- 3/31/2014, Jason Alicea, Caltech, Majorana Materializes. Host: Nicholas Read
- 3/28/2014, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Robert Schoelkopf, Yale University, The Birth, Care, and Feeding of Cat States in Circuit QED: Quantum Jumps of Photon Parity. Host: Sean Barrett
- 3/3/2014, Sarah Demers & Emily Coates, Yale University, Physics, Dance, and the Higgs at Yale. Host: Jack Harris
- 2/10/2014, David DeMille, Yale University, A tabletop-scale probe for TeV physics: the electric dipole moment of the electron. Host: Thomas Appelquist
- 2/3/2014, Steven Koonin, CUSP at NYU, The Promise of Urban Science. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 1/27/2014, Itai Cohen, Cornell University, Flight of the Fruit Fly. Host: Jack Harris
- 1/20/2014. Host: A. Douglas Stone, Yale University, Einstein and Quantum Mechanics: It’s not what you think. Host: R. Shankar
- 1/13/2014, Eric Brown, Yale University, Towards a laboratory dynamo with liquid metal suspensions. Host: Jack Harris
- 12/9/2013, Daniel McKinsey, Yale University, First Science Results from the LUX Dark Matter Experiment. Host: Thomas Appelquist
- 12/2/2013, Amir Yacoby, Harvard University, Sub-Nanometer Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 11/18/2013, Jonathon Howard, Yale University, Microtubules, Motor Proteins and Morphogenesis. Host: Jack Harris
- 11/11/2013, Juan Estrada, Fermilab, Tools for studying the accelerating expansion of the universe: Dark Energy Camera and beyond. Host: Tobias Golling
- 11/4/2013, Cindy Regal, JILA, Interferometry in a strong light: Constructing quantum states of light with moving mirrors. Host: Jack Harris
- 10/28/2013, Raman Sundrum, University of Maryland, The Quest for Naturalness at the LHC. Host: Tobias Golling
- 10/21/2013, William Irvine, University of Chicago, Unraveling knotted fields. Host: Corey O’Hern and Jack Harris
- 10/7/2013, Peter Rakich, Yale University, Optical Forces and Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions at the Nanoscale. Host: Tobias Golling
- 9/30/2013, Daisuke Nagai, Yale University, Galaxy Clusters in the Era of Precision Cosmology. Host: Tobias Golling
- 9/23/2013, Brian Demarco, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ultracold Disordered Quantum Gases. Host: Jack Harris
- 9/16/2013, David Spergel, Princeton University, Planck and Beyond. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
- 9/9/2013, Debra Fischer, Yale University, Searching for 100 Earths: pushing the frontiers of Doppler precision. Host: Jack Harris
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- 4/22/2013, cosponsored with the Whitney Humanities Center. Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University, Once Upon a Time in Kamchatka: The Extraordinary Search for the First Natural Quasicrystal. Host: Steven Girvin
- 4/8/2013, Achim Richter, Technical University, Germany, Schroedinger and Dirac Microwave Billiards, Photonic Crystals and Graphene. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 4/5/2013. Host: Tobias Golling, Yale University, Is there life after Higgs? Host: Paul Tipton
- 4/1/2013, Neil Turok, Perimeter Institute, Canada, Beyond Inflation: a new view of cosmology. Host: Steven Girvin
- 3/25/2013, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Murat Acar, Yale University, Feedback Regulation in Gene Networks. Host: Meg Urry
- 3/4/2013, Phil Nelson, U. of Pennsylvania, Inference in biological physics. Host: Tobias Golling
- 2/25/2013, Sally Dawson, BNL, The Higgs Discovery: What's it all mean? Host: Tobias Golling
- 2/18/2013, Liang Jiang, Yale University, Quantum Information Processing Using Spins and Topological Quantum Systems. Host: Tobias Golling
- 2/11/2013, Steve Koonin, Director, Center for Urban Science and Progress, New York University, The Promise of Urban Science. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 2/4/2013, Lawrence Krauss, Arizona State University, Cosmology as Science? From Inflation to Eternity. Host: Tobias Golling
- 1/28/2013, Juan Estrada, FNAL, Imaging instruments for dark energy and dark matter. Host: Tobias Golling
- 1/14/2013, Jo Handelsman, Yale University, The Fallacy of Fairness: Rethinking the Meritocracy of Science. Host: Tobias Golling
- 12/10/2012, Keith Baker, Yale University, The 58-th Elementary Particle: first of its kind. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 12/3/2012, Josh Bloom, UC Berkeley, Relativistic Tidal Disruption Events. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
- 11/26/2012, Walter Goldberger, Yale University, The new 125 GeV boson: Theoretical Implications. Host: R. Shankar
- 11/5/2012, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University, Towards 1% measurements of cosmological distances with cosmic sound. Host: R. Shankar
- 10/15/2012, Senthil Todadri, MIT, How might a Fermi surface die? Host: R. Shankar
- 10/8/2012, Gergely Zimanyi, University of California, Davis, Nanostructured solar cells: the multiple exciton generation pathway for solar energy conversion. Host: R. Shankar
- 10/1/2012, Hugh Montgomery, Jefferson Lab, Jefferson Lab: The Next Ten Years and Beyond. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 9/24/2012, Christopher Monroe, Joint Quantum Institute and University of Maryland, Quantum Magnetism from the Bottom Up. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 9/17/2012, Michael S. Turner, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, The Big Mysteries of Cosmology. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 9/10/2012, Subit Sachdev, Harvard University, Entanglement, holography, and the quantum phases of matter. Host: R. Shankar
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- 4/9/2012, Mathias Fink, Institut Langevin and Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris, Time reversal waves: from acoustics to electromagnetism. Host: Hui Xao and A. Douglas Stone
- 4/2/2012, Paul Chaikin, NYU, Random Organization: Irreversibility and Collisions, a Dynamic Phase Transition. Host: Simon Mochrie, Corey O’Hern, and Eric Dufresne
- 3/30/2012, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Sarah Demers, Yale University, Hunting for New Phenomena with the ATLAS experiment. Host: Paul Tipton and Bonnie Fleming
- 3/19/2012, David Kaiser, MIT, How the Hippies Saved Physics. Host: Priyamvada Natarajan
- 2/27/2012, Prof. Wolfgang Bauer, MSU, Energy: Partial Solutions for the Biggest Problem of our Century. Host: John Harris
- 2/20/2012, H.J. Kimble, Caltech, Quantum Networks. Host: Jack Harris
- 2/13/2012, Michael Pepper, University College London, Semiconductor Nanostructures- The Engineering of Physics. Host: Leonid Glazman and Karyn LeHur
- 2/10/2012, Karsten Heeger, University of Wisconsin, Probing Neutrinos: From Nuclear Decay to Astrophysics. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 2/6/2012, Daniel Eisenstein, Harvard, Dark Energy and Cosmic Sound. Host: Meg Urry
- 1/30/2012, Murat Acar, Yale University, Feedback Regulation and Dosage Compensation in Gene Networks. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 1/23/2012, Florian Schreck, IQOQI, Bose-Einstein condensation of strontium and Repulsive polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi mixture. Host: David DeMille
- 1/9/2012, Christopher Monroe, Joint Quantum Institute and University of Maryland, Quantum Networks of Trapped Atomic Ions. Host: David DeMille
- 12/12/2011, Helen Caines, Yale University, Citius, Altius, Fortius - Comparing Quark Gluon Plasmas at the LHC and RHIC. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 12/5/2011, Martin Zwierlein, MIT, A Little Big Bang: Ultracold Fermi Gases with Strong Interactions. Host: David DeMille and Steven Girvin
- 11/28/2011, Shoucheng Zhang, Stanford University, Topological insulators and topological superconductors. Host: R. Shankar and Karyn LeHur
- 11/14/2011, Neal Lane, Rice University, American Science Policy From Order to Disorder – Time for a Change? Host: Thomas Appelquist and Bonnie Fleming
- 11/7/2011, Philip Kim, Columbia University, Spin and Pseudo-Spin in Graphene. Host: Daniel Prober and Karyn LeHur
- 10/31/2011, Daisuke Nagai, Yale University, A New Era of Cosmology and Astrophysics with Galaxy Clusters. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 10/24/2011, Louie Strigari, Stanford University, Multiple Facets of Galactic Dark Matter Searches. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan and Marla Geha
- 10/17/2011, Vijay Balasubramanian, University of Pennsylvania, How smart can you get? Computational efficiency in neural circuits. Host: Xiao-Jing Wang
- 10/10/2011, Honorable Bill Foster, U.S. Congress, Life as a Scientist in Congress. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 10/3/2011, Keivan Stassun, Vanderbilt University, Building Bridges to Diversity in Physics and Astronomy. Host: Meg Urry
- 9/26/2011, Pier Oddone, Fermilab, Particle physics: where are we headed? Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 9/19/2011, Andre de Gouvea, Northwestern, The Brave nu World. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 9/12/2011, Michel Devoret, Yale University, Exploring the "Mendeleev Table" of Superconducting Artificial Atoms. Host: Robert Schoelkopf
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- 5/2/2011, Jurgen Schukraft, CERN, Heavy Ion physics with the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. Host: Helen Caines
- 4/25/2011, Jasna Brujic, NYU, Mapping out the Jamming Phase Diagram in an Attractive Emulsion. Host: Helen Caines
- 4/18/2011, Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, University of Innsbruck and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Quantum engineering at nanokelvin temperatures: Quantum phase transitions, strong correlations, and novel many-body systems. Host: David DeMille
- 4/11/2011, Ali Yazdani, Princeton University, Visualizing Helical Metals on the Surface of Topological Insulators. Host: Jack Harris and Sean Barrett
- 3/28/2011, Erik Verlinde, ITP, Univ. of Amsterdam, The Common Origin of Gravity, Dark Energy and Matter. Host: Sean Barrett
- 3/25/2011, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Leonid Glazman, Yale University, Overcoming Resistance with Quantum Persistence. Host: Steve Lamoreaux
- 2/28/2011, Carl Gagliardi, Texas A&M, Exploring the Proton Spin with STAR. Host: Helen Caines
- 2/21/2011, Juan Collar, Univ. of Chicago, Dark Matter searches: an update on COUPP and CoGeNT. Host: Daniel McKinsey and Helen Caines
- 2/14/2011, Richard Casten, Yale University, Symmetries and Simple Patterns in Nuclei. Host: Helen Caines and Sean Barrett
- 2/7/2011, Steve Elliott, Los Alamos National Laboratory, The Search for Double Beta Decay and the MAJORANA Project. Host: Bonnie Fleming and Sean Barrett
- 1/31/2011, Douglas Stone, Yale University, Lasers, Anti-lasers and PT-symmetric Laser-Absorbers. Host: Jack Harris. Helen Caines, and Sean Barrett
- 1/24/2011, Mark Pagani, Yale University, Estimates of Climate Sensitivity from Ancient Times and Ancient Climates. Host: John Wettlaufer and Helen Caines
- 1/10/2011, Cristiano Ciuti, Laboratoire MPQ, Université Paris, Superfluidity of light in polaritonic nonlinear systems. Host: Leonid Glazman and Steve Girvin
- 12/6/2010, Manuela Campanelli, RIT, Simulations of Binary Black Holes Mergers. Host: Richard Easther
- 11/29/2010, Tobias Golling, Yale University, The First Year of LHC and ATLAS. Host: Paul Tipton
- 11/15/2010, Hui Cao, Yale University, Complex photonic nanostructures, from random to chaotic. Host: Jack Harris
- 11/8/2010, Ray Ashoori, MIT, Tunneling Spectroscopy of the Two-Dimensional Electronic System with Extraordinary Resolution. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 11/1/2010, William Bialek, Princeton University, Critical phenomena and biological network. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 10/25/2010, Andrew Cleland, UCSB, Measuring the quantum harmonic oscillator. Host: Jack Harris
- 10/18/2010, Jennifer Hoffmann, Harvard University, Nanoscale Explorations of High Temperature Superconductors. Host: Sarah Demers
- 10/12/2010, Sean Barrett, Yale University, Novel Approaches to Spin Control: From Qubits to Skull and Bones. Host: Jack Harris
- 10/4/2010, Marcus Greiner, Harvard University, Observing a quantum phase transition on a single atom level. Host: David DeMille
- 9/27/2010, Augusto Machiavelli, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Selected Topics in the Structure of Exotic Nuclei. Host: Volker Werner
- 9/20/2010, Justin Khoury, University of Pennsylvania, Before the Big Bang. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
- 9/13/2010, Eiichiro Komatsu, University of Texas, Austin, The 7-year WMAP Observations. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
- 9/9/2010, Daniel McKinsey, Yale University, Imaging of helium excimer molecules in superfluid helium. Host: Jack Harris
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- 4/19/2010, Chris Stubbs, Harvard University, Addressing the Dark Energy Crisis in Fundamental Physics- Looking into the crystal ball. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
- 4/12/2010, Michael Levin, Tufts University, Large-scale biophysics of pattern formation: endogenous bioelectrical signals in embryonic development, regeneration, and cancer. Host: Steve Lamoreaux
- 4/5/2010, David Weinberg, Ohio State University and Institute for Advanced Study, The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: I, II, III. Host: Nikhil Padmanabhan
- 3/29/2010, Dmitry Budker, University of California, Berkeley, Atomic-physics tests of fundamental symmetries at Berkeley. Host: Alex Sushkov
- 3/26/2010, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University, The Universe's Budget Deficit : Attempting to understand Dark Energy. Host: David DeMille
- 3/1/2010, Karsten M. Heeger, University of Wisconsin, Probing Neutrino Mass and Mixing with Non-Accelerator Experiments. Host: Daniel McKinsey
- 2/22/2010, Jean-Marc Triscone, University of Geneva, New Phenomena at Oxide Interfaces. Host: Charles Ahn and Steve Lamoreaux
- 2/15/2010, Udo Schwarz, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yale University, Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy: Probing Short-Range Surface Forces with Picometer Resolution. Host: Jack Harris
- 2/8/2010, Jack Harris, Yale University, New measurements of persistent currents in resistive metal rings. Host: Steve Lamoreaux
- 2/1/2010, Itzhak Tserruya, Weizmann Institute of Physics, Rehovot, Israel, Dileptons as a probe of the Quark Gluon Plasma. Host: Moshe Gai and John Harris
- 1/25/2010, William T. Buttler, Los Alamos National Laboratory, The Study of High Speed Surface Dynamics using a Pulsed Proton Beam (U). Host: Steve Lamoreaux
- 1/15/2010, Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago, E = mc2: Opening Windows on the World. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 12/7/2009, Karyn LeHur, Yale University, Spin in the Quantum Many-Body World --- Entanglement Entropy, Decoherence, and the Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana riddle. Host: David DeMille
- 11/30/2009, Walter Goldberger, Yale University, Gravitational radiation, black holes, and effective field theories. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 11/16/2009, Kevin Schawinski, Yale University, Galaxy Zoo: Astronomy with over 230,000 collaborators. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 11/9/2009, Sean Ling, Brown University, Single-molecule biophysics with solid-state nanopores. Host: Daniel Prober
- 11/2/2009, Mayly Sanchez, Iowa State University, Measuring the Elusive: Neutrino Oscillations in MINOS and Beyond. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 10/26/2009, David Pritchard, MIT, Precision Mass Measurement: Ωcyclotron is not qB/m, does E=mc2?. Host: David DeMille
- 10/19/2009, Matthew Strassler, Rutgers University, The Large Hadron Collider: What's it For, and What's at Stake? Host: Witold Skiba
- 10/12/2009, Marin Soljacic, MIT, WiTricity: Non-Radiative Wireless Power Transfer. Host: A. Douglas Stone
- 9/21/2009, Rob Schoelkopf, Yale University, Entanglement and Quantum Algorithms with Superconducting Circuits. Host: David DeMille
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- 4/27/2009, Chetan Nayak, Microsoft Station Q and University of California, Santa Barbara, Topological Quantum Computing. Host: Nicholas Read
- 4/13/2009, Professor Joe Vinen, University of Birmingham, UK, Quantum Turbulence. Host: Daniel McKinsey
- 4/6/2009, Prof. Paul McEuen, Cornell University, Electrons and holes in carbon nanotubes: particle physics writ small. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 3/30/2009, Prof. Katherine Freese, University of Michigan, Dark Matter in the Universe. Host: Meg Urry
- 3/27/2009, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Daniel McKinsey, Yale University, The Search for the Fundamental Nature of Dark Matter. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 2/23/2009, Prof. Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University, Inflationary Cosmology on Trial. Host: Richard Easther
- 2/16/2009, Dr. Alexey Vikhlinin, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, The present and the future of growth of structure studies with galaxy clusters. Host: Daisuke Nagai
- 2/9/2009, Prof. Klaus Ensslin, ETH, Zuerich, Switzerland, Electrons in quantum dots - one by one. Host: Leonid Glazman
- 2/2/2009, Prof. Jack Sandweiss, Yale University, Strange Quark Matter and a Search in Lunar Soil. Host: Michael Zeller
- 12/5/2008, Walter Henning, Argonne National Lab, The ups and downs, and the strange charm of roadmaps: about the future of nuclear physics. Host: Keith Baker
- 11/21/2008, Steven Girvin, Yale University, Quantum Measurements, Noise, and Amplification. Host: Jack Sandweiss
- 11/14/2008, R. Shankar, Yale University, The Renormalization Group and the Landau Fermi liquid: what are they and who cares? Host: Jack Sandweiss
- 11/7/2008, Shaul Hanany, University of Minnesota, Probing the Big Bang with the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. Host: Richard Easther
- 10/31/2008, Zheng-Tian Lu, Argonne National Lab, Simple Atom, Extreme Nucleus: Laser Trapping and Probing of Helium-8. Host: Keith Baker
- 10/24/2008, Richard Easther, Yale University, The Observational Fingerprints of Inflation. Host: Jack Sandweiss
- 10/17/2008, Paul Sommers, Pennsylvania State University, The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory: the high energy frontier of astroparticle physics. Host: Keith Baker
- 10/10/2008, Joseph Formaggio, MIT, “When going underground, remember the sunscreen…” (What the sun has told us about neutrinos, and vice-versa.). Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 10/3/2008, Mikhail Lukin, Harvard University, Sensing single nuclei and lighting nanowires: new frontiers of quantum optical science. Host: David DeMille
- 9/26/2008, Xiao-Jing Wang, Yale University School of Medicine, How stochastic neurons in the brain make decisions: theory meets experiments. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 9/19/2008, Gail C. McLaughlin, North Carolina State University, Stellar Explosions, Neutrinos and Nucleosynthesis. Host: George Fleming
- 9/12/2008, Charles Baltay, Yale University, Long Range Plan for Particle Physics. Host: Jack Sandweiss
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- 4/25/2008, Slava G. Turyshev, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Tests of Relativistic Gravity in Space: Recent Progress and Future Directions. Host: Jack Sandweiss
- 4/11/2008, Ben Kilminster, Ohio State University, Fermilab's race for the Higgs boson. Host: Paul Tipton and Bonnie Fleming
- 4/4/2008, John Thomas, Duke University, Is a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas a Perfect Fluid? Host: David DeMille and Yoram Alhassid
- 3/28/2008, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Jack Harris, Yale University, Radiation Pressure and Micromechanics: a Route to Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 2/29/2008, David Weiss, Pennsylvania State University, Experiments with gases in 0D, 1D and more. Host: Leonid Glazman and David DeMille
- 2/22/2008, Ben Mazin, Caltech, When Every Photon Matters: Science with Optical/UV Imaging Spectrophotometers. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 2/15/2008, Naomi Halas, Rice University, Plasmonic Nanoparticles: artificial molecules with real applications. Host: Meg Urry
- 2/8/2008, Steven Lamoreaux, Yale University, The Oklo Natural Reactor and the Time Variation of the Fundamental Constants of Nature. Host: David DeMille
- 2/1/2008, Erin Sheldon, NYU, Dark and Luminous Matter in the Universe. Host: Daniel McKinsey
- 1/25/2008, Jamie Bock, Caltech, Current and Future CMB Polarization Measurements. Host: Thomas Appelquist
- 1/18/2008, Don Eigler, IBM Almaden Research Center, The Quest for Spin Cascade Logic Circuits. Host: Michel Devoret
- 12/7/2007, Fyl Pincus, University of California, Santa Barbara, A New View of the Hydrophobic Interaction. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 11/30/2007, Prof. Michael Shaevitz, Columbia University, Reactor Neutrino Experiments and the Hunt for the Little Mixing Angle. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 11/9/2007, Carl Wunsch, MIT, A view of climate change physics. Host: John Wettlaufer
- 11/2/2007, Lorenza Viola, Dartmouth College, A quantum-entangled view of quantum critical phenomena. Host: Steve Lamoreaux
- 10/26/2007, Jens Gundlach, University of Washington, Gravity on the Test Bench: Torsion Balance Renaissance. Host: Steve Lamoreaux
- 10/19/2007, Paul Richards, University of California, Berkeley, Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Host: Daniel Prober
- 10/12/2007, Dan Stamper-Kurn, University of California, Berkeley, Thermal and quantum phases of a spin-1 Bose gas. Host: David DeMille
- 10/5/2007, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Tufts University, From a scarf to a lens- the beauty of silk optics. Host: Steve Lamoreaux
- 9/21/2007, Aneesh Manohar, University of California, San Diego, Precison Particle Physics with Effective Field Theory. Host: Witold Skiba
- 9/14/2007, Brad Sherrill, Michigan State University, Femtotechnology: Prospects and progress in creating designer nuclei. Host: Volker Werner
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- 5/4/2007, Marta Volonteri, University of Michigan, Massive black holes from early times to the present. Host: Priya Natarajan
- 4/13/2007, Karl van Bibber, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Ultrasensitive Searches for the Axion. Host: Keith Baker
- 4/6/2007, Harald Fritzsch, University of Munich, Fundamental Constants in Physics and Their Time Dependence. Host: Thomas Appelquist
- 3/30/2007, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Steven Girvin, Yale University, Circuit QED: Measuring the Electric Field of a Single Microwave Photon. Host: Meg Urry
- 3/2/2007, Thierry Emonet, Yale University, A Physicist's approach to the study of E. coli behavior. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 2/23/2007, Boris Kayser, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Exploring the Neutrino Questions. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 2/16/2007, Brad Marston, Brown University, The Quantum Mechanics of Global Warming. Host: John Wettlaufer
- 2/9/2007, Wendy Zhang, University of Chicago, Hidden in time: the physics of fluid shape transitions. Host: Steven Girvin
- 1/26/2007, Dimitri Kusnezov, National Nuclear Security Administration, The New Frontier of Computational Science: Applications to High Leverage Decisions. Host: Andreas Heinz
- 1/19/2007, Charles Bennett, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Information is Quantum. Host: Steven Girvin
- 12/8/2006, Eric Dufresne, Yale University, Shedding Light on Brownian Motion. Host: Steven Girvin
- 12/1/2006, Elizabeth Rhoades, Yale University, Single molecule studies of protein folding. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 11/17/2006, Bernard Sadoulet, University of California, Berkeley, Dark Matter Search Strategies. Host: David DeMille
- 11/10/2006, Rocky (Edward) Kolb, Fermilab/University of Chicago, Taking Sides on the Dark Energy Issue. Host: Richard Easther
- 11/3/2006, John Doyle, Harvard University, Cold Anisotropic Collisions. Host: Jack Harris
- 10/20/2006, Larry Abbott, Columbia University, Exploring Neural Network Dynamics. Host: Thomas Appelquist
- 10/13/2006, Niki Saoulidou, Fermilab, MINOS Experiment : First Oscillation Results Using beam Neutrinos. Host: Bonnie Fleming
- 10/6/2006, Jacqueline Hewitt, MIT, 21cm Experiments for Reionization and the Dark Ages: Plans and Progress. Host: Meg Urry
- 9/29/2006, Ian Shipsey, Purdue University, Bringing Hearing to the Deaf Cochlear Implants: a Technical and Personal Account. Host: Helen Caines
- 9/22/2006, Krishna Rajagopal, MIT, The Condensed Matter Astrophysics of QCD. Host: Helen Caines
- 9/15/2006, Mark Wise, Caltech, High Energy Theorists Gone Wild: Speculations on Physics Beyond the Weak Scale. Host: Walter Goldberger
- 9/8/2006, Witold Nazarewicz, Oak Ridge National Lab, University of Tennessee, The Nucleus: a quantum open many-body system. Host: Andreas Heinz
[to top]
- 5/5/2006, Steven Koonin, British Petroleum, Energy trends and technologies for the coming decades. Host: Thomas Appelquist
- 4/28/2006, Karin Rabe, Rutgers University, Designer Oxides that Work. Host: Daniel Prober
- 4/21/2006, Helen Caines, Yale University, Sampling the flavour of the QGP. Host: Jack Harris
- 4/14/2006, Federico Capasso, Harvard University, Harnessing quantum fluctuations: physics and nanomechanics of Casimir-Lifshitz forces. Host: Jack Harris
- 3/31/2006, Eugene Polzik, Neils Bohr Institute, Light – Atoms Quantum Interface. Host: Jack Harris
- 3/24/2006, Graduate Recruitment Open House: David P. DeMille, Yale University, Fundamental physics with diatomic molecules: from CP violation to quantum computation. Host: Steven Girvin
- 3/3/2006, Nergis Mavalvala, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Detecting gravitational-waves with interferometers: Giant detectors, precision measurement, and the search for the elusive waves. Host: Jack Harris
- 2/24/2006, Andrea J. Liu, University of Pennsylvania, Jamming. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 2/17/2006, Vladan Vuletic, MIT and the Center for Ultracold Atoms, Single and paired photons from many atoms. Host: Jack Harris
- 2/10/2006, Alex Zettl, University of California, Berkeley, Exploiting the unique properties of carbon and boron nitride nanotubes. Host: Jack Harris
- 2/3/2006, Gordon Woo, Risk Management Solutions, A Physicist's Perspective on Catastrophes. Host: R. Shankar
- 1/27/2006, Leonid Glazman, University of Minnesota, Electrons in Quantum Wires. Host: Steven Girvin
- 1/20/2006, Max Tegmark, MIT, Measuring and predicting cosmological parameters. Host: Richard Easther
- 1/13/2006, Juan Maldacena, Institute for Advanced Studies and Princeton University, QCD, strings and black holes: the Large N limit of field theories and gravity. Host: Walter Goldberger
- 12/2/2005, Priya Natarajan, Yale University, Probing the Nature of Dark Matter using Gravitational Lensing. Host: Jack Harris
- 11/18/2005, Jun Ye, JILA, Bridging precision measurement and coherent control. Host: Jack Harris
- 11/11/2005, David Nelson, Harvard University, Spherical Crystallography: Virus Buckling and Grain Boundary Scars
- 11/4/2005, Daniel Rugar, IBM Almaden, Single spin detection by magnetic resonance force microscopy
- 10/28/2005, David Rabinowitz, Yale University, Unexpected planets beyond Pluto : their discovery, physical properties, and implications for solar system history
- 10/21/2005, A.J. Stewart Smith, Princeton University, Experimental Results on CP Violation. Host: Charles Baltay
- 10/14/2005, Berndt Mueller, Duke University, Going with the Flow: What the data from RHIC have taught us so far. Host: John Harris
- 10/7/2005, Jerry Gollub, Haverford College, Chaos and the Origins of Irreversibility: Fluids and Particles. Host: Steven Girvin
- 9/30/2005, Moses Chan, Penn State, Suprefluidity of solid helium and solid hydrogen
- 9/23/2005, William Marciano, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations and Leptonic CP Violaton
- 9/16/2005, John Marko, University of Illinois, Chicago, Micromechanical study of DNA-protein interactions and chromosome structure. Host: Nick Read
- 9/9/2005, Shivaji Sondhi, Princeton University, Topological Phases of Condensed Matter
- 9/2/2005, Gerard Meijer, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Deceleration and trapping of neutral polar molecules
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- 5/6/2005, Witold Skiba, Yale University, Uncharted Energy Range at the Large Hadron Collider
- 4/29/2005, Giorgio Gratta, Stanford University, How much does a neutrino weigh? Measuring the smallest mass in the Universe
- 4/22/2005, David Wineland, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Quantum information processing with trapped atomic ions
- 4/8/2005, John Morgan, Columbia University, Using Heat-Type Flow to Understand the Topology of 3-Dimensional Manifolds
- 4/1/2005, Bonnie Fleming, Yale University, Chasing Neutrinos: Discovering the Unexpected
- 3/25/2005, Graduate Recruitment Open House: John Beacom, The Ohio State University, Towards First Glimpses of the Universe in Neutrinos
- 3/4/2005, E. Sterl Phinney, California Institute of Technology, Cosmology with Gravitational Wave Detectors in Space
- 2/18/2005, J.C. Seamus Davis, Cornell University, Exploring the Atomic-Scale Electronic Structure of High-Tc Superconductivity using 'Wavefunction Imaging' STM
- 2/11/2005, Mikhail Lukin, Harvard University, Quantum Control of Photons and Atoms
- 2/4/2005, Dima Kharzeev, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New Frontiers of Quantum Chromo-Dynamics: from Strong Color Fields to Super-dense Matter
- 1/28/2005, Gerald Gabrielse, Harvard University, Quantum Cyclotron Yields New Value for the Electron Magnetic Moment and the Fine Structure Constant
- 1/21/2005, Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Yale University, First Principles Electronic Structure Theory: Applications to Nanotubes and Solid-State Defects
- 12/10/2004, John Wettlaufer, Yale University, From Casimir Snowflakes to Faraday Snowballs: A Chorus of Bulk Effects of the Surface of Ice
- 12/3/2004, Alessandro Bettini, University of Padua, Italy, Status and perspectives of neutrino physics
- 11/19/2004, Robert Schoelkopf, Yale University, Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: Doing Quantum Optics with Superconductors
- 11/12/2004, S. James Gates, University of Maryland, Can Superstring/M -theory Be Seen in the Heavens?
- 11/5/2004, Joe Mohr, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Studies of Dark Energy and Structure Formation with Galaxy Clusters
- 10/29/2004, Edward Baltz, Stanford University, Extragalactic Microlensing and the Dark Baryon Problem
- 10/22/2004, Jack Harris, Yale University, Cold Atoms Without Laser Cooling: The Frontier of Buffer Gas Cooling
- 10/15/2004, John Tranquada, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Exploring the Connection Between Magnetism and High Temperature Superconductivity
- 10/8/2004, Rob Phillips, California Institute of Technology, Virsuses in a Tight Squeeze: The Twisted Tale of Viral DNA
- 10/1/2004, Amber Miller, Columbia University, Bumps, Wiggles, and Holes in the Sky - Exploring the Early Universe
- 9/24/2004, Steven Simon, Lucent Technologies, The Unexpected Physics of Modern Wireless Communication: Replicas, Diffusons, and Supersymmetry for Fun and Profit
- 9/17/2004, Laura Baudis, University of Florida, Direct detection of cold dark matter: where do we stand, where are we going?
- 9/10/2004, Colin Gay, Yale University, Surprises from the Strange (and Odd) B meson
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- 5/14/2004, David Rabinowitz, Yale University, Outer limits of our solar system. Host: Charles Baltay
- 5/7/2004, Pierre Hohenberg, Yale University, Everything you always wanted to know about the foundations of quantum mechanics but were afraid to ask
- 4/30/2004, Lisa Randall, Harvard University, Warped Dimensions. Host: Witold Skiba
- 4/23/2004, Debbie Jin, JILA, No Title. Host: David DeMille
- 4/9/2004, Beverly Berger, NSF, No Title. Host: Charles Sommerfield
- 4/2/2004, Meg Urry, Yale University, No Title. Host: Steven Girvin
- 3/19/2004, Hitoshi Murayama, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, No Title
- 3/12/2004, Adam Reiss, Space Telescope Science Institute, Supernovae at z>1 From Hubble: Evidence for Past Deceleration and Constraints on Dark Energy Evolution. Host: Charles Baltay
- 3/5/2004, A. Douglas Stone, Yale University, Einstein's unknown insight and the problem of quantizing chaotic motion
- 2/27/2004, Tiziana di Matteo, MPA, Garching, No Title. Host: Priya Natarajan
- 2/20/2004, Robert Grober, Yale University, Energy Consumption and Climate Change
- 2/13/2004, Sue Coppersmith, University of Wisconsin, Force inhomogeneities in granular materials. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 2/6/2004, Thomas Pollard, MCDB, Yale University, No Title. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 1/30/2004, Kenneth O'Hara, NIST, No Title. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 1/23/2004, Lois Pollack, Cornell University, No Title. Host: Simon Mochrie
- 1/16/2004, Andrea Ghez, UCLA, T by hUU uUcyd. Host: Meg Urry
- 11/21/2003, Philip Phillips, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, The Elusive Bose Metal. Host: R. Shankar
- 10/31/2003, Henry M. van Driel, University of Toronto, Spins--Free of Charge. Host: Steven Girvin
- 10/24/2003, Cornelius Beausang, Yale University, Recent Highlights in Nuclear Structure Physics: An Irish Perspective. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 10/17/2003, Paul Mantsch, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays - Messengers from the Extreme Universe. Host: Jack Sandweiss
- 10/10/2003, Jacobus Verbaarschot, SUNY at Stony Brook, Random Matrix Theory: Parametetrizing the Unknown. Host: Tilo Wettig
- 10/3/2003, Boris Altshuler, Princeton University and NEC, Disorder and Interactions in Electronic Systems. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 9/26/2003, Charles M. Marcus, Harvard University, Quantum Dots - Science and Perhaps Technology. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 9/19/2003, Richard Easther, Columbia University, Cosmology after WMAP. Host: Yoram Alhassid
- 9/12/2003, Isaac Chuang, M.I.T., Quantum computation with NMR: Factoring 15 and Beyond. Host: Robert Schoelkopf
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- 5/9/2003, Steven Manly, University of Rochester, Nuggets from the Long Island gold rush
- 5/2/2003, Charles Stevens, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, What the visual cortex computes
- 4/25/2003, Stephen Irons, Yale University, Wireless Student Polling: an interactive introduction to a new instructional tool at Yale
- 4/11/2003, Steven Koonin, California Institute of Technology, The Role of Physicists in National Security
- 4/4/2003, Stanislas Leibler, The Rockefeller University, Genetic and biochemical networks: a physicist's perspective
- 3/28/2003, Graduate Recruitment Open House: Michel Devoret, Yale University, Quantum information processing with superconducting tunnel junction circuits
- 3/7/2003, Professor Gregory Tucker, Brown University, First Year Results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). Host: Snyder
- 2/21/2003, Dr. Donald Eigler, IBM Almaden Research Center, Molecule Cascades: Nanometer-Scale Architectures That Compute. Host: John Tully
- 2/14/2003, Tilo Wettig, Yale University, Quantum Chromodynamics on a lattice: supercomputers and a new mathematical trick
- 2/7/2003, Gregory Dash, University of Washington, History of the search for a theory of melting: Insight, interfaces and dimensionality. Host: John Wettlaufer
- 1/31/2003, Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University, The return of the cyclic universe. Host: Subit Sachdev
- 1/24/2003, John Harris, Yale University, Recreating the Primordial Quark-Gluon Soup
- 1/17/2003, Michael Chapman, Georgia Institute of Technology, Filling up the quantum toolbox: experiments with quantum gases, quantum gates, and atom fibers. Host: David DeMille
- 12/13/2002, Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University, The return of the cyclic universe. Host: Subir Sachdev
- 12/6/2002, Victor Flambaum, University of New South Wales, Do fundamental constants of nature vary with time and distance? Host: David DeMille
- 11/22/2002, Andrew Jackson, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Bohr and Heisenberg: The Unsent Letters. Host: Tilo Wettig
- 11/15/2002, Andrew Strominger, Harvard University, De Sitter Space, Anti - de Sitter Space and Black Holes. Host: Subir Sachdev
- 11/8/2002, Mark G. Raizen, University of Texas, Austin, New frontiers in controlling the motion of matter with light: from single atoms to neurons. Host: David DeMille
- 11/1/2002, Sidney Nagel, University of Chicago, Physics at the Breakfast Table. Host: Subir Sachdev
- 10/25/2002, Janna Levin, University of Cambridge, Is the universe infinite, or just really big? Host: John Harris
- 10/18/2002, Daniel Ralph, Cornell University and Yale University, Quantum States in Metal Nanoparticles and Single Molecules. Host: Subir Sachdev
- 10/11/2002, Herbert Neuberger, Rutgers University, Nonperturbative chiral symmetries in gauge field theories. Host: Tilo Wettig
- 10/4/2002, Daniel McKinsey, Princeton University, CLEAN: Cryogenic Low Energy Astrophysics with Neon. Host: Subir Sachdev
- 9/27/2002, Hideo Mabuchi, Caltech, Physics with photons, from quantum to bio. Host: David DeMille
- 9/20/2002, James Eisenstein, Caltech, Quantum Hall Effect Meets Bose Condensation: Long Sought Superfluid Found?. Host: Subir Sachdev
- 9/13/2002, Assa Auerbach, Technion, Israel, A Real Space View of The High Temperature Superconductivity Problem. Host: Subir Sachdev
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