Yoram Alhassid Frederick Phineas Rose Professor of Physics SPL 50 yoram.alhassid@yale.edu 203-432-6922 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: The nuclear many-body problem; Femtoscience and nanoscience: nuclei quantum dots and nanoparticles; Cold atomic Fermi gases.
Meng Cheng Assistant Professor SPL 54B m.cheng@yale.edu Research Website He/him/his |
Theorist Current Projects: Quantum criticality, Fractonic phases, Symmetric topological phases
Steven Girvin Sterling Professor of Physics YQI 403 steven.girvin@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-5082 Research Website |
Theorist |
Leonid Glazman Donner Professor of Physics SPL 55A leonid.glazman@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-6920 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Physics of mesoscopic solids: nonlinear Luttinger liquid, topological insulators, mesoscopic electron transport, edge states and collective excitations, quantum fluctuations of charge and spin.
Superconductivity: qubits, mesoscopic superconductors, properties of layered superconductors (including high-Tc materials)
Cold atoms: dynamics of low-dimensional quantum fluids
Sohrab Ismail-Beigi Strathcona Professor of Applied Physics; Chair of Applied Physics BCT 307 sohrab.ismail-beigi@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-2107 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: We study the physics of condensed matter systems, usually the solid state, using first principles or ab initio methods. We solve the quantum mechanical many-body problem of interacting electrons and ions to the best of our abilities, with the fewest approximations possible, and with no adjustable parameters or fitting. The cost is that the calculations must be done numerically and can be quite difficult to perform. The advantage is that the results are generally reliable and accurate, and hence can be compared with confidence to experimental findings to help understand, clarify, and even predict observed physical phenomena.
Christopher Lynn Assistant Professor YSB C147 christopher.lynn@yale.edu Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Statistical physics of brain networks, information processing in neural populations, network science of complex living systems.
Benjamin Machta Assistant Professor of Physics YSB-C164 benjamin.machta@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-3650 Research Website He/him/his |
Theorist Current Projects: Our research focuses on understanding how biological systems operate using approaches from theoretical physics. We use statistical physics to understand the structure and function of biological membranes, which experiments have shown operate close to a demixing critical point in the Ising universality class. They also use tools from information theory to place physical bounds on the ability of organisms to function that arise from their limited ability to measure their environment and from their limited energy budget.
Corey O'Hern Professor of Mechanical Engineering ML 203 corey.ohern@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-4258 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Soft Matter Research: Quasi-one dimensional models for glassy behavior, the connection between percolation in configuration space and glassy dynamics, statistical mechanics of static and slowly flowing granular media, jamming in systems composed of anisotropic particles and with polymer constraints
Biological Physics Research: Smart, designer, protein-based nanogels; understanding the structural and mechanical properties of epithelial cells, Nanoscale approaches to screening small molecule inhibitors of toxic amyloid species in neurogegenerative disease; protein folding and misfolding
David Poland Associate Professor of Physics / Director of Undergraduate Studies SPL 53B david.poland@yale.edu 432-6959 Research Website He/him/his |
Theorist |
Shruti Puri Assistant Professor of Applied Physics YQI shruti.puri@yale.edu 203-436-9329 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Quantum error correction when the noise is biased, Scalable fault-tolerant quantum error correction with bosonic qubits
Diana Qiu Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering WC Energy Sciences Ctr diana.qiu@yale.edu +1 (719) 2106447 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Exciton Transport & Diffusion; Time-Dependent Phenomena; Heterojunctions, Interfaces and Substrates; Defects
Nicholas Read Henry Ford II Professor of Physics and Professor of Applied Physics and Mathematics SPL 55B nicholas.read@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-5042 Research Website |
Theorist |
John Schotland Zhao and Ji Professor of Mathematics DL 429 john.schotland@yale.edu 203-432-7055 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: The study of problems at the interface of optical and condensed matter physics
Ramamurti Shankar J.W. Gibbs Professor of Physics SPL 55 r.shankar@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-6917 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Quantum field theory
A Douglas Stone Deputy Director, Yale Quantum Institute & Carl A. Morse Professor of Applied Physics and Physics YQI 436/437 douglas.stone@yale.edu 203-432-4279 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Quantum transport phenomena in disordered media, mesoscopic electron physics, non-linear and chaotic dynamics, quantum and wave chaos, quantum measurement and quantum computing. Laser physics, non-linear optics, microcavity and random lasers.
John Wettlaufer A.M. Bateman Professor of Geophysics, Mathematics and Physics john.wettlaufer@yale.edu +1 (203) 432-0892 Research Website |
Theorist Current Projects: Stochastic processes, asymptotic analysis and other approaches and methods from modern applied mathematics and physics, along with numerical simulations to probe a broad range of problems including the microscopic theory of melting, the mechanisms underlying cosmogony, climate dynamics, information theory and turbulence.