November 15, 2024 |
12:00pm |
2024 Undergraduate Research Fair |
11:30am |
2024 Undergraduate Hoodie Ceremony |
September 20, 2024 |
3:00pm |
Yale Physics Major Information Session |
December 15, 2023 |
9:00am |
Undergraduate Research Symposium - Fall 2023 |
November 17, 2022 |
4:00pm |
2022 Undergraduate Research Fair |
November 11, 2022 |
3:30pm |
2022 Hoodie Ceremony |
June 18, 2021 |
3:00pm |
Causal Inference in Complex Non-linear Systems: A Cautionary Tale |
May 25, 2021 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Anthony Hodges, Georgia State, "Quantifying Properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma via Jet Modification" |
May 20, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Liliana Apolinario, LIP, Lisbon, "Novel Jet Reclustering Tools for Heavy-Ion Collisions" |
May 18, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar (Note special date), Pranava Teja Surukuchi, Yale University, "Latest Results from the CUORE Experiment" |
May 13, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Sergei Gleyzer, University of Alabama and CERN, "Deep Learning for High-Energy Physics and Strong Gravitational Lensing Cosmology" |
May 12, 2021 |
3:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Luna Zagorac, Yale, "Linear Approximations to UltraLight Dark Matter Stationary States" |
May 11, 2021 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar, Samuel Hedges, Duke University, "Experimental Tests of Low Energy Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions at the Spallation Neutron Source" |
May 6, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Brian Lenardo, Stanford University, "Searching for New Physics with Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chambers" |
May 4, 2021 |
1:00pm |
SPECIAL DATE NPA Zoom Seminar, David Kawall, U Mass, "An anomaly in an anomaly? First results from the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment" |
April 29, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Arun Tadepalli, JLab, "The SeaQuest Experiment" |
April 28, 2021 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Emily Kuhn, Yale, "Calibration Instrumentation for the Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment" |
April 22, 2021 |
3:00pm |
Are Scientific Models Fictions? Model-Based Science as Epistemic Warfare, Inference Project Talk |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Xiaoyue Li, Max Planck Institute, "Searching for axion dark matter with the dielectric haloscope MADMAX" |
April 20, 2021 |
4:00pm |
"How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another," Distinguished Speaker Virtual Talk by Ainissa Ramirez |
April 7, 2021 |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Day 2) |
April 6, 2021 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Jiaxiang Wang, Yale, "Progress on Probing Non-Newtonian Gravity using Levitated Microspheres" |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Day 1) |
April 2, 2021 |
1:00pm |
YPPDO Seminar and Q&A session with NASA Scientist, Ravi Kumar Kopparapu, PhD |
March 25, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux, University of California at Irvine, "Latest Results from Daya Bay" |
March 24, 2021 |
2:00pm |
Machine Learning with MATLAB |
March 18, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Daniel Tapia Takaki, University of Kansas, "Quantum Tomography applications in Collider Physics" |
March 17, 2021 |
3:00pm |
On Experiments for Causal Inference and System Identification |
March 16, 2021 |
1:00pm |
Wright Lab Workshop: Increasing your online presence in academia and beyond |
March 10, 2021 |
3:00pm |
Introduction to Scientific Computing at Wright Lab |
March 3, 2021 |
3:00pm |
Wright Lab APC Workshop: Introduction to design for rapid prototyping |
March 1, 2021 |
4:00pm |
The Age of Living Machines: How Biology Will Build the Next Technology Revolution |
February 26, 2021 |
3:00pm |
What is a 'Cause,' and Why Does it Happen Before the Effect? |
February 23, 2021 |
2:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Shops |
February 16, 2021 |
1:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Shops |
February 12, 2021 |
1:00pm |
YPPDO: Science Policy with Laura Gladstone, Nicole Larsen, and Yangyang Cheng |
12:00pm |
Yale Day of Data Spring Series: Language (Data) Is Everywhere! Linguistics and Language Data in Research |
February 9, 2021 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Gadi Afek, Yale, "Searches for New Physics Using Levitated Optomechanics" |
February 4, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Kimmy Wu, SLAC/KIPAC, "Improved Constraint on Primordial Gravitational Waves with Delensing" |
February 2, 2021 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Lauren Yates, MIT, "Progress toward the MicroBooNE Low-Energy Excess Search" |
January 28, 2021 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Govert Nijs, MIT, "A Transverse Momentum Differential Global Analysis of Heavy Ion Collisions" |
January 26, 2021 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Avinay Bhat, Syracuse University, "MeV Scale Physics in MicroBooNE" |
December 17, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Zhilei Xu, MIT, "Precision Cosmology: from the CMB to 21-cm Observations" |
December 10, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Devin Walker, Dartmouth College, "Two Stories at the Intersection of Particle Physics and Gravitational Waves" |
December 9, 2020 |
10:00am |
Parallel Programming with R (online) |
December 4, 2020 |
11:00am |
Yale Day of Data - Day 2 |
December 3, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Jean-Francois Paquet, Duke, "Constraining the Viscosities of QCD with Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions" |
1:00pm |
Yale Day of Data - Day 1 |
11:00am |
Yale Day of Data - Day 1 |
December 2, 2020 |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Day 2) |
December 1, 2020 |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Day 1) |
November 19, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Ruby Byrne, University of Washington, "Measuring the Epoch of Reionization: Progress, Challenges, and Next Steps for High Redshift 21 cm Cosmology" |
November 18, 2020 |
2:00pm |
Wright Lab Computing Workshop: Preparing a personal website with GitHub pages |
10:00am |
Shareable Reproducible HPC Containers (online) |
November 13, 2020 |
3:00pm |
Wright Lab Advanced Prototyping Centre Workshop: Advanced topics in design for instrumentation |
November 12, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Ho San Ko, LBL, "Accessing Generalized Parton Distributions at Jefferson Lab" |
November 11, 2020 |
10:00am |
Parallel Programming with Python (online) |
November 10, 2020 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Yunpeng Ji, Yale University, "Many-body Physics with Ultracold Homogeneous Fermi Gases" |
November 5, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Magdalena Djordjevic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, "Exploring QGP properties of through rare high-pt light and heavy flavor probes" |
November 4, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Introduction to Open OnDemand (online) |
November 3, 2020 |
11:00am |
October 28, 2020 |
2:30pm |
Wright Lab Computing Workshop: Data Analysis with Python |
10:00am |
Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling to HPC (Day 2) |
October 27, 2020 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Olivier Grasdijki, Yale University, "CeNTREX: A new search for time-reversal-symmetry violation in the 205Tl nucleus" |
October 23, 2020 |
3:00pm |
Advanced Prototyping Centre Workshop: Introduction to design for rapid prototyping |
October 21, 2020 |
2:00pm |
Undergraduate Town Hall |
1:00pm |
YPPDO: Dr. Grace Metcalfe, AFOSR, Virtual Coffee Chat |
10:00am |
Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling to HPC (Day 1) |
October 20, 2020 |
6:00pm |
Society of Physics Students Talk: Kaustav Mitra, Yale Department of Astronomy, "How to weigh galaxies and why do we need to?" |
12:00pm |
Kuheli Dutt Seminar: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Addressing Systemic Racism in STEM” |
October 15, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Stefania Amodeo, Cornell University, "Halo gas thermodynamics from the CMB: results from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope DR5" |
October 14, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Version Control with Git (online) |
10:00am |
Practical High Performance Computing (online) |
October 13, 2020 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Carl Rethmeier, Carleton University: "Measurement of Alpha-Decaying Backgrounds and the Search for 5.5 MeV Solar Axions in DEAP-3600" |
October 9, 2020 |
3:00pm |
Undergraduate Research Fair 2020 |
October 7, 2020 |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Day 2) |
October 6, 2020 |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Day 1) |
October 1, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Noah Kurinsky, KICP/Fermilab, "Modeling Interactions of MeV-Scale DM with Crystal Targets: Plasmons, Phonons, and Lattice Defects" |
September 30, 2020 |
10:00am |
Introduction to Open OnDemand (online) |
September 29, 2020 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Chitres Guria, Yale University, "Topological structures and dynamics in an optomechanical system with exceptional points" |
September 24, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Zoom Seminar, Jeff Martoff, Temple University, "The HUNTER Sterile Neutrino Search Experiment" |
September 23, 2020 |
2:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users |
September 16, 2020 |
2:00pm |
Introduction to Scientific Computing at Wright Lab |
10:00am |
Introduction to High Performance Computing (online) |
September 15, 2020 |
3:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users |
1:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Caitie Beattie, Yale, "Probing the Link Between Jet Modification and the QGP" |
September 11, 2020 |
3:00pm |
YPPDO: How to Apply for a Postdoc Position |
September 10, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Seminar (virtual): Jan Behrens, KIT, "The KATRIN experiment: The Challenge of Determining the Absolute Neutrino Mass" |
August 31, 2020 |
9:30am |
Wright Lab All Hands Meeting: Wright Lab Resources and Academic Year Kickoff |
August 17, 2020 |
3:00pm |
YPPDO Virtual Coffee Chat with Merideth Frey, PhD |
August 14, 2020 |
11:00am |
NPA Virtual Seminar, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Wayne State University, "Era of Jet-SubStructure and its utility in proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions" |
July 22, 2020 |
2:00pm |
YPPDO Virtual Coffee Chat with Michela Paganini, PhD |
July 15, 2020 |
2:00pm |
Town Hall for Undergraduate Majors |
1:00pm |
NPA Seminar (virtual): Mesut Arslandok, Heidelberg University, "A brief story: From raw data to the recent results on net-baryon number fluctuations in Pb-Pb Collisions with ALICE”" |
May 20, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Practical High Performance Computing (online) |
May 14, 2020 |
9:00am |
GeoComputation with High Performance Computing (online) |
May 13, 2020 |
9:00am |
Introduction to GRASS GIS (online) |
May 12, 2020 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Zoom Seminar: Research and conferences online: recent experiences and best practices |
9:00am |
Image Processing using Pktools (online) |
May 11, 2020 |
9:00am |
Raster/Vector Processing using GDAL/OGR Libraries (online) |
May 7, 2020 |
3:00pm |
WIDG Zoom Seminar: Luna Zagorac, Yale, "Parametrizing UltraLight Dark Matter Haloes Through Binary Soliton Core Mergers" |
April 22, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Writing Efficient R Code (online) |
April 14, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Parallel Programming with R (online) |
12:00pm |
WIDG Zoom Seminar: Laura Havener,"Exploring jet splittings in heavy ion collisions with ALICE" |
April 9, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Rescheduled: Stata Workshop (online) |
April 7, 2020 |
1:00pm |
WIDG Zoom Seminar: London Cooper-Troendle, Yale University, "Achieving a High-Purity High-Efficiency Neutrino Selection in the MicroBooNE LArTPC Surface Detector" |
April 2, 2020 |
4:30pm |
POSTPONED: The Material Force of Justice: Diffractive R Quantum Physics (2019–20 Terry Lectures) Lecture 3: What Flashes Up: Infinity, Nothingness, and the Material Force of Justice |
April 1, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Introduction to High Performance Computing (online) |
March 30, 2020 |
4:30pm |
POSTPONED: The Material Force of Justice: Diffractive Readings of Walter Benjamin and Quantum Physics (2019–20 Terry Lectures) Lecture 2: Troubling Time/s: Theses on the Philosophy of History |
March 27, 2020 |
9:00am |
Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling to HPC |
March 26, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Data Analysis Tools for Python (online) |
1:00pm |
Theoretical Physics Seminar - Grigory Tarnopolsky, Harvard - "Spontaneous symmetry breaking in Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev and Tensor models” (virtual) |
March 25, 2020 |
4:30pm |
POSTPONED: The Material Force of Justice: Diffractive Readings of Walter Benjamin and Quantum Physics (2019–20 Terry Lectures)Lecture 1: Theological-Political-Scientific Fragments: Constellations, Diffractions, and the Materiality of Theorizing |
10:00am |
Shareable Reproducible HPC Containers (online) |
March 24, 2020 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Hazel Mak, Brown, "Branching Rules and Young Tableaux Methods: High Dimensional Supersymmetry" |
March 18, 2020 |
1:00pm |
R for Novices (online) |
March 12, 2020 |
10:00am |
Tidying Data |
March 11, 2020 |
4:00pm |
YCRC User Group: Data Center Tour |
March 9, 2020 |
11:00am |
Experimental Quantum Seminar - Alex McLeod (Columbia University) "Quantum phase transitions through the nano-lens: exploration and control with low-temperature nano-optics" |
March 5, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Special Theoretical Physics Seminar - Ian Moult, Stanford - "Novel Tools in Effective Field Theory: From Jet Substructure to Dark Matter" |
12:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, University of Rochester, "Cosmology with Quasars in the era of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument" |
11:00am |
Experimental Quantum Seminar - Phillip Preiss: (Heidelberg University) "Zooming in on Ultracold Few-Fermion Systems" |
March 3, 2020 |
10:30am |
Experimental Quantum Seminar - Wenchao Xu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Quantum nonlinear optics with Rydberg polaritons" |
March 2, 2020 |
2:00pm |
Microcontrollers for Research Instrumentation |
1:00pm |
Introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC) |
9:30am |
Wright Lab All Hands Meeting, Giacomo Scanavini, Fleming Group, "LArTPC at Fermilab and at Yale." |
February 27, 2020 |
4:00pm |
Impact of the Atom Film and Lecture Series: Leslie Dewan, "Save the world with nuclear power" |
2:30pm |
NPA Seminar: Jonathan Pober, Brown University, "Observing the Early Universe with 21 cm Cosmology" |
1:05pm |
Special Theoretical Physics Seminar - Lina Necib, Caltech - "Dark Matter in the Era of Gaia" |
1:00pm |
Version Control with Git |
February 26, 2020 |
1:30pm |
Experimental Quantum Seminar - Xiaoqian Chen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, "Tracking phase fluctuations in quantum materials using coherent x-rays" |
February 25, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Introduction to Python |
10:30am |
Experimental Quantum Seminar - Jacob Covey (California Institute of Technology) "Entanglement and metrology in an array of alkaline-earth atoms" |
10:00am |
Physics LGBTQ+ Group Meeting |
February 24, 2020 |
1:30pm |
Experimental Quantum Seminar - Boris Braverman (University of Ottawa) "Cavity QED with Alkaline-Earth Atoms" |
February 23, 2020 |
3:00pm |
Impact of the Atom Film and Lecture Series: "Atomic Cafe" |
February 20, 2020 |
4:00pm |
Writing at the Intersection of Science and the Arts |
4:00pm |
Impact of the Atom Film and Lecture Series: Richard Rhodes: Arsenals of Folly: The Parasitism of Nuclear Policy |
12:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Richard Rhodes, American Author and Historian, "The Los Alamos Primer" |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Feb 19-20) |
11:00am |
Experimental Quantum Seminar - Chenhao Jin (Cornell University) "Probing moiré superlattices with optical spectroscopy" |
February 19, 2020 to February 20, 2020 |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Feb 19-20) |
February 19, 2020 |
11:00am |
XSEDE: Big Data & Machine Learning (Feb 19-20) |
11:00am |
The Craft of Writing with Richard Rhodes |
February 18, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Special Theoretical Physics Seminar - Julian B. Muñoz, Harvard University - "Learning Cosmology from the First Stars" |
February 17, 2020 |
3:30pm |
Physics Club: Diana Qiu, Yale University, "Excitons in Flatland: Exploring and Manipulating Many-body Effects on the Optical Excitations in Quasi-2D Materials" |
February 13, 2020 |
1:00pm |
Special Theoretical Physics Seminar - Victor Gorbenko, Institute for Advanced Study, "Long-Distance Dynamics of Quantum Fields and Cosmology" |
February 10, 2020 |
9:30am |
Wright Lab All Hands Meeting: Karsten Heeger, “Update on the Instrumentation Initiative at Yale” |
February 9, 2020 |
3:00pm |
Impact of the Atom Film and Lecture Series: "Dr. Strangelove" |
February 3, 2020 |
9:30am |
Wright Lab All Hands Meeting: Penny Slocum and James Nikkel, "Project 8: Measurements and design advancements." |
January 31, 2020 |
10:00am |
American Heart Association: Wear Red Day Event |
January 30, 2020 |
3:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users |
January 27, 2020 |
2:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users |
January 24, 2020 |
9:00am |
Yale Day of Instrumentation 2020 |
January 23, 2020 |
3:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Michael Jewell, Stanford, "Search for 0νββ of 136Xe with EXO-200 and nEXO" |
3:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users |
2:30pm |
Astronomy & Astrophysics Colloquium: Meredith Hughes - Wesleyan University |
1:00pm |
Nuclear Particle Astrophysics (NPA) Seminar: Yi-Kuan Chiang, Johns Hopkins, "How Bright Is the Universe? Intensity Mapping Tomography in Broadbands" |
January 16, 2020 |
2:30pm |
Astronomy & Astrophysics Colloquium: Rachael Beaton - Princeton University |
January 14, 2020 |
1:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Mike Sas, Utrecht University/Nikhef, "Probing small and large collision systems using photons: from particle production in pp collisions to measuring the space-time evolution of the Quark Gluon Plasma in AA collisions" |
December 19, 2019 |
1:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Salvatore Fazio, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), “Status and Scientific Prospects of a Future U.S.-Based Electron-Ion Collider” |
December 17, 2019 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Xinyi Chen, Yale University, “Reconstructing the BAO signal for cosmological analysis” |
December 10, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Particle Theory Seminar: Tyler Corbett, Niels Bohr Institute, "Precision in the SMEFT: the Higgs and Electroweak Sectors" |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Tyler Lutz, Yale University, “Nonlocal Mixing of a Stochastically Advected Passive Tracer” |
December 6, 2019 |
3:30pm |
Physics Club: Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT (Cambridge, MA) -"Collisional cooling of ultracold molecules, and spin transport in optical lattices" |
December 5, 2019 |
1:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Carmen Carmona, Pennsylvania State University, "Direct Dark Matter Searches with LUX and LZ" |
December 4, 2019 |
1:00pm |
Department Town Hall on Code of Conduct |
December 3, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Mossman Seminar: Chia-Hsien Shen, UCLA, "Unraveling Classical Gravity from Quantum Field Theory" |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Maximilian Beyer, Yale, "Measuring nuclear-spin-dependent parity violation with molecules" |
December 2, 2019 |
3:30pm |
Physics Club: Eric Hessels, York University (Toronto, Ontario) - "Testing fundamental physics with table-top precision measurements: The proton size, the fine-structure constant and the electron electric dipole moment" |
November 21, 2019 |
1:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Brian Beckford, University of Michigan, “Progress on the search for the elusive K_L -->πvv with the KOTO Detector” |
11:00am |
Physics and Astronomy Prospective Student Webinar |
10:00am |
Mossman Seminar: Andreas Helset, NBI [via Skype], "Heavy Particle Effective Theories" |
November 19, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Mossman Seminar: Seth Koren, UCSB, "UV/IR Mixing and the Hierarchy Problem" |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Emma Castiglia, Yale University, “Search for the Associated Production of a Higgs boson with a vector boson (W or Z), with the Higgs boson decaying to two tau leptons (VH, H → ττ) at the ATLAS Experiment.” |
November 18, 2019 |
9:30am |
Wright Lab All Hands Meeting, Brian Koopman, Yale University, “Designing Data Acquisition and Control Systems for the Simons Observatory.” |
November 14, 2019 |
3:00pm |
Wright Lab Advanced Prototyping Center Laser and Water Cutting Workshop |
November 12, 2019 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Grant Schumacher, Yale University, "Experimental and Computational Approaches" |
November 8, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Undergraduate Physics Research Fair |
November 7, 2019 |
1:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Scott Hertel, University of Massachusetts Amherst, "Superfluid 4He as a tool for sub-eV particle physics" |
November 5, 2019 |
1:00pm |
Special NPA Seminar: Chris Quigg, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, "Perspectives and Questions" |
October 30, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Yale Physics Professional Development Organization (YPPDO) Seminar: Rick Li, Goldman Sachs, "From Physics to Financial Services" |
1:00pm |
Special NPA Seminar: Lukas Graf, Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, "Lepton Number Violation in the Nucleus and the Universe" |
October 29, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Particle/High Energy Theory Seminar - Mariana Carrillo Gonzalez (U Penn) - "Pushing the limits of the double copy" |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Patrick Bolton, University College London, "Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Versus Direct Search Probes of the Inverse Seesaw Mechanism" |
October 24, 2019 |
1:00pm |
Nuclear Particle Astrophysics (NPA) Seminar: Masha Baryakhtar, NYU, "Searching for Ultralight Bosons with Black holes and Gravitational Waves" |
October 22, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Particle/High Energy Theory Seminar: Luca Iliesiu (Princeton) - "On 2D gauge theories in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity" |
12:00pm |
Nuclear Particle Astrophysics (NPA) Seminar: Walter Pettus, Univesrity of Washington, "LEGEND in the Making: The 76Ge Program for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay" |
October 10, 2019 |
4:00pm |
NPA Seminar: Prof. Hans A. Weidenmueller, Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany, "Laser-Nucleus Interactions" |
October 8, 2019 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Naim Karacayli, Yale, "Improving Cosmic Large-Scale Statistics" |
October 7, 2019 |
3:30pm |
Physics Club: Hui Cao, Yale University, "Lighting Up Opaque Media" |
October 3, 2019 |
1:00pm |
Nuclear Particle Astrophysics (NPA) Seminar: Chelsea Bartram, UW Seattle, "The Unexpected World of Discrete Fundamental Symmetries, from Positronium to Axions" |
October 2, 2019 |
2:00pm |
3D Printing Workshop: Introduction to design and fabrication |
October 1, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Particle/High Energy Theory Seminar: Gabriel Cuomo (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) "The epsilon expansion meets semiclassics" |
September 20, 2019 |
4:00pm |
Junior Physics Hoodie Event |
September 19, 2019 |
1:00pm |
Nuclear Particle Astrophysics (NPA) Seminar: Timothy Wendler, Penn State, "Progress toward Phase III design of the Project 8 experiment" |
September 18, 2019 |
2:00pm |
EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users |
September 17, 2019 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Wenqiang Li, Yale, "Thermal effects and stability of optically levitated micron-sized spheres in vacuum" |
September 12, 2019 |
1:00pm |
Nuclear Particle Astrophysics (NPA) Seminar: Danielle Speller, Yale University, "New Results from the CUORE Experiment" |
September 10, 2019 |
12:00pm |
WIDG Seminar: Yogesh Patil, Yale, "Quantum Optomechanics with Superfluid Helium" |